Something More

Do you ever feel like you are meant to do something more? I've been thinking about this a lot lately with not much figured out. I keep thinking it and trying to find things that make me feel like I'm worth more, but nothing I come across seems to be worth sticking with. I'm 29, going on 30 next year and all I've known is working in a cubicle. It's so mentally draining and unfulfilling. I work in corporate America and I've been trying to figure a way to get out. I've been at a cubicle for around 13 years now (including an internship....where I was pretty much doing the entry level version of what I'm doing now). I'm constantly looking for meaningful jobs online that would be interesting for me, but I don't feel like I'm qualified for any of them. I feel stuck.

Unfortunately this is not going to end with an AhHa moment because that moment hasn't happened yet. This is a not a typical post topic for me, but I felt like I needed to let it out and this was the platform to do it.

I will say, even though I'm not feeling satisfaction in my current job, I do have a lot of other things to be positive and grateful for and to cheer myself up, I'm going to list them here.

  • I am grateful for the husband that takes care of me and treats me as an equal. He's always been there for me when I needed him.
  • I am grateful for my parents who have always supported me and helped me in every way.
  • I am grateful for my sister, who doesn't always see eye to eye with me, but I know she cares.
  • I am grateful for the home I live in (even if it's not perfect), it gives me warmth and shelter.
  • I am grateful that I have a job that pays and co-workers I enjoy working with.

I hope everyone, when feeling down about a particular subject, remembers to think about the other things in life that you're grateful for. I tend to forget myself all the awesome things that I do have that I need to just sit down and meditate on them for a little while and all feels better. The things I'm feeling down about will still be there, but the things I'm grateful for are usually a much stronger emotion than the bad feelings.

Thank you for reading and I hope you meditate on something you're grateful for today and as always, thank you @paradise-found for always reminding us about that as well!

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