When you wake up in the morning, which pill do you want to take?

For years it seems the argument between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated is that "old world" diseases will come back and "ruin" the herd immunity or negatively impact those whom are unable to receive vaccines.

Regularly glossed over is the fact that vaccinations shed.

In May a soldier preparing for deployment to Iraq received the smallpox vaccine and his 2 year old contracted the disease, by "vaccine shedding". Up until recently people undergoing chemotherapy and those with compromised immune systems were urged to stay away from the recently vaccinated for up to three weeks do to the ability to contract whichever disease the were recently vaccinated from shedding. The pamphlets given to parents of recently vaccinated children also held directions to stay away from those with cancer and weakened immune systems, however, as the anti-vaccine movement gained ground the language of vaccine shedding started to disappear... everywhere.

It was released in 1979 that smallpox was eradicated, and while this is the first reported case of transfer since 1988, the question remains.. why are vaccinations treated as a baseline standard for everyone? Why is the MSM ignoring vaccine injuries, why wont people discuss shedding? Why are reported cases being buried? There have been recurring measles outbreaks all over the country, it is the vaccinated that are spreading the disease and the MSM not reporting.

Instead of mandated vaccinations perhaps we should be discussing the effectiveness of them to begin with. With autism on the raise, food allergies, asthma, and immune disorders skyrocketing, the amount of vaccines kids receive from birth to their 18 birthday quadrupled from previous generations; perhaps this needs to be an honest conversation.

From where I am standing, it looks like the biggest rouse in American history is our citizens being used as guinea pigs for big pharma. These vaccines make us sick, they kill our body, we go to the doctor trying to find out what is wrong, they prescribed us garbage to mask the problems instead of curing it and the largest lobbyist in our country gets more wealthy off our decaying health. We don't have "health care" in this country it is "sick care".

If you don't believe the measures in which our government will go.. look back to history, the Tuskegee experiment, the experiment of pregnant women and experimental prenatal drugs in the 50"s - also done without consent, look at our military and how soldiers infants have the largest population of SIDS cases. I can go on for days. Hell, look at cancer rates and how miraculously all the cures out there are demoted to hoaxes. They don't want us healthy they want us sick. Dependent. These are all related despite the disinformation movement working tirelessly to bury it all.

When you wake up in the morning, which pill do you want to take? The one for truth, or the one for fantasy? Our entire society is based on recurring lies, deep indoctrination, the Hive mentality... there is a war going on, which side are you fighting for?

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