A session with the UN Systems

Today we had a session with the UN Systems in Cameroon to discuss about the SDGs, evaluate the impact of the work of the UN Systems in 75years as well as propose ideas on how the UN systems can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of her work around the globe.

We met these two amazing artists who were painting the SDGs on a public wall and their painting was superb.

I was there and I am proud to have proposed ideas on how the UN can better her work with nations. More pictures are underway and I am also glad that we will be partnering with the UN to implement an Environmental project aimed at stopping plastic pollution in the city of Bamenda.


Some of my proposals to the UN systems include;

  1. Decentralize her systems so that they don’t just stay in the capital cities. We want the UN to be present in the regional, Divisional, and grassroots levels so that everyone can walk into the UN anytime and anywhere.
  2. Outsource and support vibrant people and organizations who are championing the implementation of the SDGs. In this case the UN systems should stop all the cumbersome administrative processes involved in working with them
  3. Make all SDGs consultations inclusive and most importantly make the voices of the local populations, minority groups and vulnerable populations heard.
  4. Sensitize local populations about the SDGs.In my country, I am very convinced that not up to 30% of the population know about the global goals.

These are my recommendations and I will appreciate if you can share what you think can be done to improve the work of the UN during this decade of action.

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