Travelling with my wife: Sunset in Key West

Key West (the southernmost city in Florida, USA) is known for its beautiful sunsets. Everybody gathers to see the sun to sink into the Gulf of Mexico horizon. Mallory Square is the best place to enjoy those views but we noticed that you have to be there early, because hundreds and hundreds of people want to see it too. Other option is to take a sunset cruise (or even a sunset dinner cruise) from Key West but Mallory Square is just as good place to see the sunset :). And actually, there is a thing called “sunset celebration” at Mallory Square. Just before the sun starts to set, all jugglers, clowns, psychics, magicians, local musicians and artists show up to the square. It´s entertaining to follow their shows while waiting for the sunset.

Unluckily, this time the sun set behind cloud curtain but it was still beautiful.



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