Ross Castle

untitled-12-72-Edit.jpgBuilt in the 15th century by the O'Donoghue clan, it was later taken over by the Brownes, who went on to become the Earls of Kenmare. It was one of the last strongholds to capitulate to the British Cromwellian armies. How? Well, there was a prophecy that the castle would not be taken unless "strange ships" were to sail on Lough Leane. Maybe the British forces knew of this because they built warships in Kinsale, sailed them to the mouth of the river Laune, and oxen dragged them up the river and into Lough Leane, on whose banks the fortification resides. It must have been some sight to see warships in this relatively small lake. The castle, which had been besieged by 4,000 foot soldiers and 200 horse until the artillery on the ships arrived, soon surrendered.

Taken just after the sun set behind the mountains, as I wanted to get a nice warm glow from the floodlights on the castle.

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