2018 Goals ; a recipe for Flow

Whatsup Whatsup Everybody
I might be a we bit behind in publishing my goals for 2018 , But I just wanted to 1] Share a bit about myself 2] Spread some positivity and can do among the community 3] publicly affirm my commitment to my goals and to be held accountable for achieving them

Ever since I was a teen and started going to the gym Ive been very goal and process orientated . I would right out goals for the personal records I wanted to set that week and month in the gym , the amount of muscle I wanted to gain That year and I would establish programmes to help me achieve that . Naturally this crossed over to aspects of life outside of the weightroom And I began setting goals and processes to achieve them .
In a series Ive been working on 'Lessons from the mat' I discuss what I have learned over during my BJJ training journey from White to blue belt . On of the most significant things was how to set goals and how to set out a thoughtful process to see them to completion . If you would like to read about how I , and others , recommend you set goals and set about knocking them down , you can do so here [ https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@ogmattyc/lessons-from-the-mat-part-ii-goal-setting-and-enjoying-the-process ]

2017 Was an amasing year with crazy ups and downs ,at times It was stressful and a rollercoaster year but I have come out of it with a better and clearer understanding of who I am , What I want and where I am going .
In 2017 I left my Job with good progression prospects within the company and within the logistics field . The job was fun at times and engaging and challenging , But ultimately It was not my calling . I could feel myself slowly being trapped in the job and kept their ,stuck in the rat race , by the prospects of career progression and comfort . I said Fuuck this jazz , quit and have embarked on a new journey to create the life I want for myself .
2017 was also the year I got started with crypto , again , a rollercoaster ride but all the ups and downs have basically taught me to sit back relax and enjoy the ride
After I quit my job , I completed my Cambridge English Language Teaching Association certification to teach English as a foreign Language here in Ireland or overseas Wherever I wish .
As a young man [25 years old as of November] I am sure I am not the only one who is familiar with the feeling of living life on others terms , the decision to go to college , to work a job I didnt like , the perceptions to keepup etc , much of this I did for my parents . In 2017 It became clear to me that this would not lead to fulfillment . 2017 was the year I decide to change this . 2018 will be the year I make it happen .

So far the year has been great ,and its only getting started

Below are my goals , Many are themes that are made up of sub goals and Milestones to assist in their completion and to track my progress .

2018 goals

-Financial freedom & establishing passive steams of income -

1] Success with my dropshipping website Unbrokenathleticcare.com
1a] Launch site by February 1
1b] First 10 sales through the site
1c] Average 10 sales per week by the end of February
1d] Average 20 sales per week & automate the process

2]By July I will Move to Medellin Colombia to Teach English , Train BJJ and enjoy the fuck out of my 20s [upon completion of the above goals 1a-1c]
3]achieve the target monthly income of 2,000usd per month through Website ,teaching and other means

4] Have 40k in Assets & crypto investments
4a] invest 30-35% of my biweekly income [from dropshipping etc ] into investment opportunities and my crypto portfolio for 2018
4b] use dollar cost averaging to accumulate the coins in my 2018 portfolio [OMG ,Obsidian , golem ] automate this as much as possible , limiting active trading to one day a week for the sake of mental health lol

5] Enjoy and feel the flow
Pursue challenge and flow states by Pushing my limits and ingenuity through my website project , Improving my Spanish , continue training BJJ at least x3 times per week , Develop new social skills and mack on fly honnies in Colombia .
For those who are familiar with Flow states and the feeling of inspired insight that it brings , this is the feeling that I hope to maximise with these above goals and in 2018 In general .

challenge , travel , entrepreneurial enterprise ,martial arts and language learning should be a potent recipe for flow

in 2017 I achieved things that , years before , I wouldn't have though I was capable of . I used to set these mental limitations on myself but I have come to realise that these are an Illusion that we are conditioned into believing by a society that would rather we be another cog in the system than an individual persuing their dreams and higher purpose. We are led to believe that the greatest things are only for those special people , But thats bullshit and we are all capable of remarkable things . Less capable people have achieved exactly what you want to do , so you can do it to

Happy fucking 2018 everybody , lets get after it 17663209_1406429229419940_8479566435142598656_n.jpg


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