Money, Sex, and Power. Why you should chase after them......

When I was in High School there was a girl I had a big crush on. I was lucky enough to have her in my friend circle and can say she was kind, gentle and funloving. I can also say she was as beautiful as she was intelligent...and she was probably the most intelligent girl in the school.

In her yearbook I wrote "You've done awesome in the 3 R's of school, I hope you will succeed as well in the 3 F's of life". The 3 R's were Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. The 3 F's of life were Faith, Family and Friends.

However, what does that have to do with Money, Sex, and Power? What does that have to do with the #HiveLearners prompt about my next four months?

Well, keep reading and find out




The Dangers of the Big Three

It has been seen that there are three big things that lead Christians to stray from the faith. Money, Sex, and Power. More than anything else I think those three vices are the ones that people fall victim to far more than anything else.

I mean think of all the things wrong in your country...or mine.

1 * Corrupt Politicians : POWER

Politicians out only for power for themselves and their friends. Their quest for power and to stay in power lead many bad things to be done!

2 * Corrupt Police : POWER and GREED

Then you have policeman who love being in power and making the average person squirm. Using that power to do all sorts of bad things to those they are supposed to protect and extorting money from them to fuel their greed.

3 * Bad Bosses : Power, Greed, and Sex

I've read reports from the HiveLearners about bad bosses. Ones who don't care about their employees. They want to pay the least possible so there is more for themselves (Greed). They want to put the employee down to make themselves look good (Power). Some even expect favors from their female employees who need the job (Sex).

4 * Bad spouses : Sex

How many marriages have been ruined by affairs? Most commonly by men chasing younger women. However, woman have been known to seek a little spice from a handsome man. The result is almost always the same: Divorce or at the very least a weak and fragile marriage.


Why should you strive for those things then?

I think people should strive for Sex, Money and Power because if done correctly it can strongly support what is truly important in life. Faith, Family and Friends.

......and now I have to try and prove that I'm not crazy


1 * Supporting the family :

If you ask a bunch of teenagers why they are looking for a spouse. I can't speak for the women but for the guys I'm going to say that the majority of them would say "SEX" and the rest are lying.

Without joking though. Without sex there are no mothers, there are no grandmothers, there are no fathers, there are no grandfathers and there is no family and no future. The problem isn't with sex....its sex with the wrong person, wrong time, or wrong reason.

Do you know how awful it is to see your children or spouse go hungry? If you don't then you are lucky. I can tell you from experience it is awful. Money is such a useful tool to make sure that the family has food to eat, clothes to wear, a place to live, and education for the children. Medicine when people are sick and gifts on special occasions.

Money is essential for a family to work as it is supposed to.


For any married person answer this question:

How much fun is a marriage with NO Sex and NO Money

I'll rest my case on that.

Why do I mention power in supporting the family? A strong family stands together and gains strength working together. I'm much stronger with my wife than without her and I speak with years of experience. Having the power to stand up for my family and its values is huge.

2 * Supporting the faith.

Strength of conviction is a form of power. Standing together with a community of faith is a form of power. Believing in your faith and the change is causes in your life is also powerful. It is a power to change the family, community and even country for the better. At least when it is used properly. There is nothing wrong with striving for this type of beneficial POWER in fellowship and community.

As for doesn't have a huge component in faith. However, I will say that any faith that denies sex is not going to last more than one generation. Any faith that promotes sex outside of a committed releationship is doomed to die a horrible death.

As for money and faith. That is a loaded topic that I'm going to quietly hold off on talking about here .... I'm crazy but not that crazy 🙃

3 * Supporting friendship.

I'll start by saying that sex between friends ends poorly. Unless its your best friend who you are also married to 😉 Having money and power to support your friends can be beneficial though. Everyone will have hard times sometimes so being able to stand beside a friend and help when needed. It's Priceless and should be something everyone works towards. After all the best friends are there to help when you need them.


There you have it: Chase Money, Sex and Power

However, only chase them in a way and manner that supports what is truly valuable:

Faith, Family and Friends

A lesson that so many people fail to learn is that there is indeed ENOUGH.

  • Once you have ENOUGH money to support yourself, family, friends and church. STOP chasing it!

  • Once you have ENOUGH power to care for your family, friends and defend your faith. STOP chasing it!

  • Once you have a committed partner. STOP chasing Sex with other people and DO find ways to make it more fun and interesting with the partner you have


But what about the Hive Learners Prompt?

The prompt is : How does my next four months look. What are my goals and what are my chances of achieving them.

The truth is that I've achieved my goals.

  • I have no debt and I'm financially secure. I could strive for more money but I'm at the point of enough.

  • I have a wife I love and I'm old enough chasing other women is just plain stupid.

  • I have two sons. One is a strong adult and the other is so very close. I have nothing left to teach them. I just want to be there if they ever need me and watch how their lives unfold.

  • I'm a Christian who loves my God and my church. I don't need to search for faith, I've found it, now I just need to walk the path.

I have no Milestones left to pass

Just a path left to walk.

Well, that's not entirely true.

I have milestones but they are not really in my control.

  • I'd love to retire. My position is posted but who knows when my boss will find a replacement.

  • Someday I'd love to have grandchildren. However, that's not my decision but my son's.

  • Someday I'd like to be able to support my friends on Hive and grow my HP/HBD but I have no control over who upvotes me. I just keep on writing and see where that path leads.

  • Someday I really want to be self sufficient and live off-grid. I've paid money for the home, The contractor has been hired, but the home and dream take place on the workers timeline not mine.

  • I'd like to travel the world with my wife. However, she has to decide its her time to retire first and that's her decision not mine.


What will the next 4 months hold?

God willing:

I'll have a home in Rosswood built (Canada)
I'll have a home in Madarulug Sur built (Philippines)
My youngest son will turn 18 and develop further into the man he should be
My oldest son will be 20 and also develop further into the man he should be

and I'll keep on posting and trying to make new friends on Hive,
keep going to church, praying and reading my bible for spiritual strength
keep on going to the gym, walking and exercising for physical strength
keep on watching my diet to keep my weight under control (self discipline)
keep on planning and dreaming on how to life off-grid and make no pollution

But all of those are my path for the future to enjoy and not really something I can say "I've won!" or accomplished.


Thanks for reading
And as always, I love getting comments :)

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