[Open Topic] What Do girls like about guys

Hi Guys In this Topic We are going to discuss what girls like about Boys
Share Us Your Experience And What Your girlfriend likes about you if you
are a boy and what you like about us if you are a girl
So We can help each other face up our insecurities

This is Some Of The things Girls Love About Us :

Girls like the funny guy. Why? Because we love humor!
Y'all have to take our thoughts seriously....most of the time.
Be hygienic, wash your teeth, have a clean style, put on deodorant, and clip your nails.
Smile. Girls love quirky, smiling guys.
We don't care if you're the strongest guy in the world.
Pull us by the waist; we love that.
Make sure you smell good.
Girls love cute, faithful guys — not players. No joke about that.
Usually when we're sarcastically mean to you, it's a sign we're attracted to you.
Have style. Make sure you know how to own your own thing. You don't want to make yourself look like you're not comfortable with the way you dress.

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