Chemtrails: How to defend yourself

The rulers of the weather have started their madness again. And there is nowhere to run. It was a bit quiet during the holidays, but as soon as the children returned from the holidays and the parents from the holidays, it started again. The spraying of aluminum and barium is going full speed.

How long will the world's population endure these planetary crimes, committed by a handful of the elect ??

The photo is taken in the morning at sunrise. It shows fresh traces of spraying, but also older traces, almost scattered. This means that it was sprayed even at night. Maybe all night. No traces are visible at night. Only in the moonlight are thick lines visible in the sky.


Fortunately, we have a chance to defend ourselves.


Vinegar helps. You can use a sprayer, but it is more efficient to spill vinegar on the sidewalk, street, parking lot, etc. and let it evaporate.

Wondering how it is possible that a few liters of vinegar neutralizes chemtrails over a relatively large area of ​​the sky? The answer is simple - a chain reaction. Vinegar vapor ionizes the air around it very strongly - it creates a number of charged particles. Due to various reactions of acetic acid with air and steam, these charged parts gain a relatively large amount of energy and thus rise upwards and charge the surrounding particles with an almost chain reaction. The rapid decrease in pressure and temperature with increasing height also contributes significantly to this. Therefore, the charged particles have more and more energy compared to the environment and can thus ionize a huge amount of air in a chain way. And as soon as this 'chain reaction' reaches the cloud created by the artificial spraying of the condensation nuclei, the nuclei and the water droplets around them are charged, and the water evaporates from the droplets into a gaseous state without the droplets falling to the ground.

(special thanks @bethalea, @inthenow, @jasonliberty, @luca1777 and others)

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