Weather Manipulation Agenda: Introduction And How To Detoxify

Many speak about Chemtrailing on a daily basis,
many comprehend it on some level.

From my experience what they don't speak about is -
how to protect themselves from all of it.

So I was thinking and realized I need to make an article.

(No this is not photoshop nor anything else)

And yea, you should really take the trash out.

In this article,

some basic direction will be given in order to better understand the weather manipulation process.

Second goal of the article will be to show you how to defend from Chemtrailing actions. Also, the focus will be on spreading awareness on the need to do it often.

This is from air test in Phoenix, far away in 2008!

You can see how all the metals we have no use for or are even toxic for us - are in dangerously increased quantities.

In a reality like that,

its a real trickery to get out as a winner. What I see mostly is individuals who are completely unaware, or individuals who are aware to some point but not to the level of helping themselves.

Ofcourse, I see many individuals who do help themselves but the majority still refuses to acknowledge the truth from plain sight. At least on a deeper basis - what climate engineering does to us on a physical, mental and spiritual basis.

Nothing positive, in short.


That needs to change and everyone should focus on detoxing all the substances and particles we inhale daily. Its just not natural for our state of mind. Why are many finding it hard to do good for themselves?

I guess I know why, cause deep inside their selves they still don't believe fully. That should be the only logical explanation. And we are influenced and distracted from various directions...

If you are reading this and not aware of the ongoing spraying agenda, make sure to watch these documentaries:

Have you been too busy to care?

It would be a great time to start caring, and paying attention to the details.

Currently, I am using Steemit as a tool to reach individuals all over the world who are willing to take the information and spread it. If I reached you, I'm really glad about it. You came to the right place.

Since you are new to this reality, make sure to take a look at this video as well:

Time to mind-switch

The life changing occasions happen when the decision to embrace a certain truth is brought. In the end, it is relief and beneficial at the same time.

What is needed the most, is the will to go through certain change. Many are afraid of losing the illusion of monotony when in reality that same monotony brings them bad...

In the past few years of my life, many told me how: its better if they don't know too much, it can't touch them that way etc etc... In reality, it is completely the opposite. If you develop ignorant attitude towards something it won't necessarily make it disappear.

You are actually putting yourself in worse position. Not even being aware of the realistic situation and how can you try and boost your life conditions...

Time to be conscious, at least on primary level. The physical one is needed in order to enjoy the mental and spiritual sides of ourselves. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, meaning: Healthy spirit in healthy body. Chemtrails make us feel bad on physical level, the root of everything.

In case you didn't know,

the list of what they provoke is pretty long:

  • Low Energy
  • Swollen head (pain)
  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Ears Ringing
  • Digestion Issues
  • Weak Immunity
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Heart problems
  • Insomnia
  • Worse vision
  • Bad stomach
  • Bloody nose
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Depression
  • Joints pain


People are dying younger and younger.

Even though mass media will portray us reaching 80ish years as a revolutionary achievement - it isn't. Just one of the truths hidden from the public.

If the situation wasn't how it is, we would be able to live way much longer. So much longer that you can't probably even imagine it - since we are programmed to think contrary.

Programmed to get old, in ways in which we program ourselves - from the youngest of ages. Everyone have their own perception of old, but they do. Meaning deep in their mind they already programmed themselves what being old means for them. In addition to all that, there is a constant battle everyday to fasten our aging process through all aspects of our lives.

You probably didn't know about the Japanese herbalist who reached 256 years? He was living in the mountains, practicing Qi Gong and Herbalism - in the conditions most of us can't think of nowadays, sadly.

I was in a Mall today, literally thousands of people were eating various versions of junk food. Minority was buying the smoothies, but you know what is the irony? I've noticed how smoothies were made from GMO fruits and processed animal milk. Funny right? That is just 1 example, how food industry is destroying our immunity with artificial foods - fasting up our aging in the process.

Always make sure

to have a palate of fresh fruits and vegetables at least one to twice a day in front of yourself. Since Chemtrailing highly reduces our mineral and vitamin levels.

In addition,

various superfoods have specific fields of influence to treat Chemtrail-related issues. These 5 can help you flush out those metals:

  • Garlic
  • Cilantro
  • Green Tea

  • Cinnamon

  • Chlorella
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

As an alternative solution, you can order your Envioshield here.

In case you need organic super-booster for immunity, you should go here.

Only sharing the top quality available products with you. :)

In order to treat Virus And Bacteria:


  • Essential Oils

  • Herbs

  • Colloidal Silver

  • Infrared Light

  • Himalayan Pink Salt

  • Dimethyl Sulfoxide

To get rid of Nano Tech


You will need to use #1 Magnetism Therapy

In case you don't know about it, read more here.

Basically it is a therapy where different kinds of magnets are used to boost your health conditions.

Since the body has magnetic and electric fields naturally, all the molecules have certain amount of energy in them.

Point of Magnetism is to re-balance the out of balance magnetic fields.

You will need to use #2 Pulsed Magnetism

As a treatment for yourself on a cellular level. Cellular injury or the state of cell not being healthy, can lead to serious medical conditions. Read in details about it here

Pulsed magnetism not only heals your cells but also protects against injuries by improving circulation, energy and the repair process. It as well increases the Special cell proteins, which plays a crucial role in cell breakdown prevention and helps to speed up the injury recoveries...

In case you need an infographic to keep all these information at one place, you can save this one:

If you want to see a picture of myself casually revolting against the climate modification agenda:

Thank you for reading my article, I truly appreciate it. Hope we can stay in touch!

Please let me know how do you detox yourself and what are your methods. In the future, I will write much more about the detoxification processes.

This was just tip of the iceberg.

I respect every single reader and the fact you are giving me your time. If we can form a connection, no one is happier than me!

In case you liked my work or you want to keep in touch with updates from myself - feel free to:

Sending peace and love

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