They did spray, But for only a day...

Cant believe that the skies where blue for long enough for me to take a few snaps of the 'chemtrails' over head..


With days turnning into weeks of rain and grey skies, I thought that we would not see another blue sky this side of christmas...


With the shortest day around the corner, we dont get alot of day light here in the UK.. lasts untill around 4pm.. Makes some awesome sky shots with the dying light..


Still not really finding the time since moving into a motorhome to sit down and focus on more content on this blog.. I have a few extra saved news articles to share .. but with our worlds weather still being rather crazy, with them manipulating the skies..


Thankyou for stopping by, with the UK being predicted snow storms and possibly bad weather for 10days over christmas, I hope everyone stays safe and warm ... Take care


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