Transplanting my First Proper Seedlings - August Garden Journal

Much as we aspire to be self-sufficient, homesteaders, live from the land type people, we don't exactly have a natural green thumb between us. That's okay, we need to learn, experiment, learn some more and practice.

Anyway, in experimenting I wet some seeds on cotton wool a few weeks ago at the same time as planting the same seeds outside, kale and radish. They live on the kitchen windowsill and I've been nurturing them everyday with success!

I didn't put down heaps of seeds as I wasn't sure if it was going to work. But it did and the majority of them sprouted their first little leaves.


This weekend's first gardening project was to set them up for the next stage and give them something to root into. Luckily I've been saving my egg cartons, a bit of soil from the garden and some very careful cotton wool pulling.


Fingers cross they keep growing and I'll have to learn to transplant them into the garden.


The second project was much stinkier, the second of our bokashi buckets was leaking, I don't think the tap is fully screwed on or sealed. So we emptied the first into our raised garden bed to be able to empty the leaking bucket into it. I don't fancy fiddling around under two months worth of scraps trying to tighten the tap. Plus this will be ready for planting in about two weeks which will be good for spring. If what I have now grows well maybe I'll go nuts with planting.

Lucky YouTube doesn't have smell-o-vision
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