Back to the Garden


Hey guys! Long time no post. I moved a few months ago, so I’ve been adjusting to my new surroundings, but I finally got to planting some stuff. 68E22F03-FBA0-4A17-A2EB-A6A6D2301740.jpeg

These are strawberries and little lettuce seedlings. There should be spinach in there too, but the snails keep eating all of the seedlings!


The tomatoes were all bought from a local college plant sale, but I have 6 or so growing from seeds that are still tiny. The peas I planted are going great, but I want to wait until they are stronger before I put them in the ground. I know the snails love them too!

What about you? Growing anything good? Here is one of my garden companions:

I love all of the life in this backyard. There are so many types of birds, butterflies, and lizards. What do you like to plant? Any ideas to keep the snails at bay that doesn’t involve poison? Thanks for reading.

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