The versatility of old satelite dishes

Our local council rubbish dump takes the saying one man's trash is another's treasure. Sifting through the stuff people dump, removing things that look "worthwhile" and then selling them on again to the public at the local "crate" (recycling centre) .

I often take my son up there to search for potential treasures and items of interest. For reasons that remain unclear to me I have developed a fad for re-purposing old satellite dishes in my garden ( the $1 price tag is likely a factor). So far I have four...

To the romantic at heart the first dish is a whimsical giant mushroom, to those of a more pragmatic nature it's a way of saving yourself a shitload of working removing a tree stump.


Next up is "the froggery". A small water feature that sits on our front deck which has so far failed miserably to attract the local tree frogs to set up home.


Dish 3 is a portable(ish), stylish, modern and practical fire pit. Resting on an old car wheel (free from the crate) it makes the ideal addition for an evening in the backyard.


Last, and probably least, is the satellite dish bird bath (also another 'avoid digging up a tree stump' solution).


That's all for now.
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