My 5 Favourite Video Games

Just wanted to share with you my favourite video games of all time. I always loved gaming and some of my greatest memories are playing a great game with my friends. So without further ado heres my list (the games aren't ranked by quality, just random):

1. The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (1998, N64)

This game was published 1998 and I still remember the day I got it as a present for christmas. I just loved this game. The whole world just blew my mind. It was mysterious, beautiful and something I had never seen before. The quests were awesome and there was so much to do in every corner of the map that this game kept me busy for several weeks. Zelda - Ocarina of Time was the game that made me a full blown gamer. After that I always searched for games that gave me the same feeling. Unfortunately it happened way too rarely. Maybe it is just nostalgia speaking but this game is just perfect and every gamer that likes action-adventure games surely needs to play this one.

2. World of Warcraft (2005, PC)

The memories of me and my friends playing this game will live with me forever. We would play this game non-stop. Every day we would meet up and play until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore. WoW was my first MMORPG and I fell in love with this genre. I played several MMORPGs after WoW but the feeling was never the same. Maybe because I got older, maybe because a lot of my friends stopped playing altogether, or maybe because no MMORPG reached the same quality as WoW.
I think everybody who is interested in gaming is familiar with WoW. If you are not - you really missed out on a great time.
For the Horde!

3. DotA 1&2 (2003/2013, PC)

I started playing DotA as a mod of Warcraft 3. Me and some friends found the mod and started playing it. We had no idea what we were doing or what we were supposed to do. But damn it was a lot of fun. We would meet up at my friends place - connected our crappy PCs and played the whole night. Years passed and we still played this game - mostly online. We moved to different cities, started working or studying, but we would still meet up every other evening and play some games. 2013 DotA 2 was released and I fell for this game once again. I still play this game today and according to Steam I played it for several thousand hours.
So if you are a fan of the MOBA genre, there is just no way around this one.

4. Half Life 2 (2004, PC)

One of the best games of all time, if not the best. It is as simple as that. An FPS game with an incredible story, great gameplay and insanely good AI. It is ridiculous that this game was released 13(!) years ago. It just makes a lot of todays games look really bad. To be honest I am not a huge fan of the FPS genre, but this game just does it for me. I played it for maybe the twentieth time a couple of weeks ago and it just doesn't get old. If only games today would be made like Half Life 2 was, we would live in a better world.

5. Civilization V (2010, PC)

Civ 5 is a 4x game released in 2010 and it is a game I always like to go back to. It is just addicting as hell. I played it several hundred hours and never got bored of it. Every game is different and really makes your brain work when you play against several AIs on the "Deity" difficulty setting or battle it out with friends or strangers online. I play it till this day and always end up sitting in front of my PC in the middle of the night on a sunday mumbling the words: Just. One. More. Turn.

And this is it. My five favourite games of all time.

Which are yours? Let me know in the comments below!



P.S.: Not a native, sorry for eventual mistakes.

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