[GAME REVIEW] Shadow of the Colossus Remake - Action and Adventure Game #13

By: @anwarunsam

Hi steemian wherever you are always healthy and remain in the  protection of God Almighty. So stay active as usual. This afternoon I  will return to review a game played on PC that is not less interesting  than the game I've reviewed before. That is Shadow of the Colossu! Let's see how the  review.

Call it one  of the best games not only in the Playstation 2 era alone, but  throughout the history of the gaming industry as a whole is not  something excessive. There is something magical about what  Fumito Ueda offers in Shadow of the Colossus, something that even  exceeds the execution of a similarly unique concept that he once cast  for ICO and exclusive games for Playstation 4 - The Last Guardian. That  action game that asks you to kill dozens of gigantic monsters is not a  game or cliché story you've encountered hundreds of times as a video  game enthusiast who has been in the industry over the years for years. That regardless of his 13 years of age, his privileges and uniqueness are irreplaceable. Something that Bluepoint Games translate very well through the Remake process that will be available on February 6, 2018.

Without hesitation and stopping, we praise what has been done by Bluepoint Games here. The story for the umpteenth maturity, they managed to prove themselves as a developer of remastered / remake process veteran with product results that never disappoint. Shadow of the Colossus looks and is like a game that is prepared. For the latest, for Playstation 4. It looks amazing with a mysterious visual visual from the beautiful world more noticeable. The addition of smaller details such as the particle effects of the monsters to the stunning lighting effects, added above the sensation of gameplay, which is amazing, still feels like the shadow of a colossus that you've known.

So, what is actually offered by the game Shadow of the Colossus Remake this? Why do we call it a perfection? This review will discuss it more deeply for you.

So, what is actually offered by the game Shadow of the Colossus Remake this? Why do we call it a perfection? This review will discuss it more deeply for you.


A dark tale that makes tragedy a foundation, that is the story offered by Shadow of the Colossus. This is not the story of a hero character trying to kill the giants in order to save the world, or the story of a man who has a destiny beyond what he knows. Wander - the main character you use is an ordinary man who has only one motivation - to revive a woman who seems, he loves.

Why use the word "like"? Simple, no one knows what goes on behind the scenes of the Shadow of the Colossus world itself. As you know, you will be acting as a man who is obviously ready to do whatever he needs, even sacrificing himself, to raise a woman from a life that has been snatched away. Wander, by its name, only supplies a clear ancient sword, is the key to this one ritual. In a forbidden place whose access seemed to be locked tight, he found the required strength. He eventually confronted Dormin, a light on the ceiling of the temple which, with no hesitation, agreed with Wander's wishes. He just asks for a condition. He wanted 16 Colossus filling the land around him to die. Not only himself, Wander also accompanied by the horse - Agro.

Only Wander can do that, because every Colossus can only be finished by using the Ancient Sword he is carrying right now. The struggle to subdue these gigantic creatures began. However, strange things happen. For every successful Colossus he faced, Wander was attacked by a strand of black thread coming out of every Colossus's body, entering into his body, and making him unconscious. But without any hesitation, Wander did not question it. For him, his life again the woman he brought to the Forbidden Land is a priority that can no longer be questioned.

Then, can Wander run the task that sounds impossible? Who is Dormin? How will Wander and Mono's story end? All the answers to that question you can get by playing this Shadow of the Colossus Remake.

Remake the Remarkable

Whenever you hear a game called Remaster or Remake behind it, building a little skepticism is a rational attitude. Why? Because not a few projects like this end up no more than an easy effort the developer or publisher get the money fast, with a halfhearted effort to attract gamers who may not have tasted their flagship product in the past. Some of these games even, look too "outdated" for the current generation platform. But fortunately, such unjust and embarrassing treatment did not happen to the Shadow of the Colossus - which is touted as one of the best games ever. Bluepoint Games does its job well.

What you find is a game with a total overhaul of the visual side, to the limit, it looks and feels like a "new" game that is exclusively developed to take advantage of the Playstation 4's own performance. Forget all the visuals you remember about Shadow of the Colossus Playstation 2 or Remaster version of the Playstation 3 version, because this one version really looks different. Changes in texture details, assets, until the variety of effects of existing lighting will make you termanjakan. It's like reinventing the Shadow of the Colossus in a format where it should be enjoyed and viewed, if only past generations of platforms are not limited in terms of performance. Interesting? On the same side, Bluepoint still managed to maintain its classic elements from the side of the gameplay.

Given this is a remake game that is more focused on the visual side, then there is not much change in content in it. In addition to the addition of features like Photo Mode that are now supported to help you capture more ciamic images, there is extra content like a mysterious object in the form of coins that you can get in various corners of the world for a reason and function that is still unknown to date. The rest? You will get a similar experience in a more beautiful world. There are few modifications to make gameplay more comfortable, such as changes in control schemes versus past versions for example. But the classic game sensation managed to be guarded through the freedom of the camera system and the basic gameplay itself. It's still the Shadow of the Colossus that you know from the Playstation 2 era, if you've tasted it.

So, what you meet is a world that is not only beautiful, but also richer than the atmosphere. The addition of many small details, from the amount of vegetation that fills the forest or the various rocks present, the soft light that enters through the little leaves, the feathers that wrap the skin of the Colossus, or just the dust and vibration of the screen that appears every time a Colossi tries to attack You are strong at making the world of Shadow of the Colossus more charming. Moreover, he still maintains the quality of the soundtrack that is ready to accompany your impossible action to the various emotional moments that are ready to make your heart terenyuh. There's no reason to fall in love with you who just tasted this game, or fall in love again for you who had enjoyed the golden age in the era of Playstation 2.

In terms of presentation, Shadow of the Colossus PS4 version is not only to meet, but also beyond what you expect from him. More cool? You who enjoy it on the Playstation 4 PRO will also be provided with two options to enjoy it. There's "Cinematic Mode" for you who care more about graphics density and less concerned about 30fps, and "Performance Mode" that allows you to enjoy battles against these gigantic monsters at 60fps.


One that makes Shadow of the Colossus different from action games in general is the gameplay approach and the genre that he stretcher. Indeed, it still counts as an action game that asks you to kill a few things before it can push the story progress to the next stage. But on the other hand, it is not a cliché action game as you know it. That like his name, your duty is only one, or maybe sixteen - finish off every Colossus. Not in an open-world scheme, but in a linear storyline.

Shadow of the Colossus does offer a large and wide world for you who are interested to explore it, but not necessarily, making this game can be counted as an "open-world" game based on the current definition of the genre. This is not a game that has a myriad of side missions, a myriad of activities for you to enjoy, a myriad of secret areas that will open up extra stories for example if you find it, and the like. The vast world of "Forbidden Land" which becomes your playground is nothing more than a media story and a depiction of the Shadow of the Colossus world. It is used to help you capture the scale of how insignificant Wander is as the main character in terms of size, while building a solid rationality that is appropriate, these gigantic monsters live in a super-wide world as well. No more than that.

So as we discussed earlier, the challenge of this game lies in the two essential keys in gameplay. First, look for the Colossus itself. Unlike today's modern games that will instantly give you an automatic waypoint every time a primary mission is selected that runs like a GPS, the Shadow of the Colossus in the past and also in this Remake version, does not offer it. Your two clues for each Colossus location are two: a statement from Dormin at the beginning of a mission that does not mention it explicitly and the Ancient Sword capabilities used by Wander to collect light and direct you to the straight line that's supposed to be. Remember, just a straight line, not a clear path where you should move. With mountainous environments, wooded forests, ravines, and high cliffs, finding exactly where each Colossus's position uses the light of your sword is a challenge. Lost is part of Shadow of the Colossus's supposed experience.

The second essence of gameplay is of course related to the 16 Colossus that you must destroy. No smaller enemy you have to kill, only 16 giant monsters that seem to see you are nothing more than an annoying ant. This is the core of the Shadow of the Colossus gameplay itself. Moving in a linear story line, where you can only meet against the next Colossus after killing the previous one, each Colossi (a single call to Colossus) has different characteristics, shapes, and types of attacks. It is your primary duty to "get to know them".

Because basically, the system is carried quite simple. You "just" need to look for the weak points of every Colossus, climb their bodies if they are located in a high position, and then plunge your sword until their HP bar runs out. Done? Repeat the same process, until 16 Colossus disappears and you end up meeting Dormin's request. The problem? Each Colossus is a different creature. In fact, not all associated with the massive size that can be juxtaposed with Godzilla though. Some appear small, but faster, more aggressive, and even, end up more difficult to conquer. Some wait for you in open space, others appear in enclosed spaces that require you to be more strategic. But despite all the differences, they all share one common thread - they are not the type of monster you can kill without thinking.

Every Colossi you find is a puzzle. In addition to the first two gigantic monsters that are easy and can be positioned as nothing more than a tutorial, the rest of the monster will require you to think rationally and experiment to find ways to subdue them. Each one moves like a puzzle with an implicit solution that will require you to go through the trial and error process, over and over again, until you find the solution that should be. Most of the problems you encounter usually end two: Colossi is in an impossible position to climb or Colossi has a hidden point of weakness, so you have to trigger a certain point so that the weak point for you to puncture is open. Like, for example, a giant bird that flies so majestically in the sky. How to kill him? You can not climb higher than the bird. You do not have a grappling hook. Agro, your flagship horse is also not Pegasus who can fly so easily to pursue it. At this point, your brain must spin and your hands begin to experiment to find a solution. Because? This giant bird you can not kill, until you understand how to kill it.

So herein lies the uniqueness of the Shadow of the Colossus itself. Find the position where they are, and look for ways how to kill each of them. A straightforward concept that is later wrapped with an epic battle scheme. We are talking about the story of the heroism of a human without the special power of ambition to kill the monsters that can be hundreds of times the size of the tiny body. Move faster, maneuver in the sky and depth of the lake, dive into the sand and trample the ruins like toys. Dust flying, voices echoing the shouts of unique monsters reverberate, and you there standing with swords and arrows, staring and mourning the power that seems to want to talk back and challenge you to conquer every one of them. This is a journey that is ready to make your hair goose bumps.

It seems clear that Sony's goal of teaming up with Bluepoint Games to repackage Shadow of the Colossus in a better and cooler format for the Playstation 4 is two: First, of course it attracts the market of gamers who have tasted the past and fall in love. The super-significant visual improvement while retaining a familiar feeling on the side of gameplay is a nostalgic exploit format that seems to be anti-failing in releases like this. We are one such example. But of course, there is a second market they want to pursue: new gamers plunge into the PlayStation ecosystem through the Playstation 4 and have never tasted Shadow of the Colossus before. These gamers have certainly heard about this TeamICO concoction game and even, hearing his confession as one of the best games on the market. With this Remake release, there is no better moment to jump in and get into one of the best gaming experiences you can get.

But of course, there is one thing to note. Given this is a Remake game that does not offer significant changes in content and gameplay, any virtual information you find for the Shadow of the Colossus Playstation 2 that rolled in 2005 ago, can still be used in this version of Remake. With an age of 13 years and a high popularity, almost any walkthrough or playthrough you find today will work at the most optimal level. That it is almost impossible he is inaccurate and will help you finish this Shadow of the Colossus so quickly. The problem? This is not an experience that should be enjoyed by newcomers who want to come in and get to know Shadow of the Colossus through this version of PS4 remake. Because instead of helping, he will actually hurt.

Why? Because the level of difficulty and challenge Shadow of Colossus is not located on the level of difficulty killing the existing Colossi, at least in the level of normal difficulty. That the source of the challenge works like a puzzle game, where as we discussed earlier, the main challenge lies in two points: finding the location of each Colossi and then looking for ways to subdue them. And believe it or not, any game of any puzzle you find, from Shadow of the Colossus to Portal for example, will be very, very easy when you play it with a walkthrough or playthrough. Because instead of thinking, experimenting, and looking for solutions that are not necessarily the source of experience you should be, you come up with a definite answer that automatically, will make everything irrelevant. No more attempts to find the Colossi and no more challenges to find their weak spots. The question now is, why should you play the Shadow of the Colossus?

So we ourselves suggest for newcomers gamers, to stay away from all kinds of spoilers and waltkhrough that are now available complete. Play with your own initiative, without referring to external guidance for the most optimal Shadow of the Colossus experience. Please be a little "cheat" by peeking at the content if you really get lost and start feeling frustrated, and see this game as a product that is no longer fun. But before those feelings arise, do not be tempted to take a peek, no matter what.


Like meeting your ex-lover who has split for 13 years, with a feeling that never goes away, and now returns with more mesmerizing qualities in all aspects, this is the kind of experience you'll find in the Shadow of the Colosuss remake of the Playstation 4 version if you had time to enjoy the charm in the past. That cold hand Bluepoint Games re-birth gave birth to one of the best game remakes in the gaming industry, with the proper handling for one of the best games not only in the Playstation 2 era, but also across platforms, all time. It now comes with much better visualization quality, OST handling is still so beautiful, the addition of features and adjustment of control schemes for the modern gaming era, to the handling of fantastic stories that are still maintained in it.

For now, we ourselves call this remake handling process counted perfectly with a few things that deserve to be complained from the perspective as a falling gamer and really enjoy the original version of his Playstation 2 in the past. But we can understand that there are some things that might make newcomers complain about their unfamiliar feelings with the gameplay scheme and the sensations that have been maintained since the Playstation 2 era, from camera systems to Agro motion that are still difficult to control at full speed. But for those who are familiar, this is an extra sensation of nostalgia that seems to bring us back to remember why the Shadow of the Colossus was so unique in its day. If one thing we really care about, but not including the lack of out of context as a remake project, is the lack of additional content. Believe it or not, for the last 13 years, the data appear to have shown some of the Colossi's endless designs in the final version for a variety of reasons. The remake project from Bluehole Studio will be much more interesting, if additional content for veterans like this, is injected into it.

But beyond that little disappointment, Shadow of the Colossus Remake is a rebirth that is in our eyes, perfect and phenomenal. For gamers who had tasted it in the Playstation 2 era, we highly recommend it. Such a significant visual change will make you feel the right experience. With the fact that he is 13 years old, we're pretty sure most of you have forgotten the battle strategy against some Colossi, creating a fresh gaming experience. For those of you who have never tasted it? We even recommend it again. There's a reason why the Shadow of the Colossus is so loved and adored, and no better timings to jump in and understand. But once, keep in mind, no walkthrough and playtrough until you want to give up .. One of the best games ever!


  • Everything


  • Nothing

Shadow of the Colossus Game Informations 

Developer: Bluepoint Games

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Composer: Kow Otani

Platform: PlayStation 4


NA: February 6, 2018

PAL: February 7, 2018

JP: February 8, 2018

Genre: Action-adventure

Mode: Single-player

Written by: @anwarunsam

Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia, 4 Februari 2018  


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