Pure Unadulterated Evil


Some of you know and perhaps have read my themed Fallout 4 play through series based on a fictional character, Trapper Walsh. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this series and will continue to do so but the more and more I play through Fallout 4, the more apparent that something is missing becomes. In the world that we know, there is a constant struggle between the forces of good and evil. It is apparent everywhere you look and this is in a world that is still considered lawful. How then in a post-apocalyptic setting such as the Fallout 4 title is there no real option to just be evil? With every encounter that offers a choice for the sole survivor to make, it usually ranges from something on a scale of "not as good" to "great". Most of the villains in the game are easily beaten if not outright laughable. Some of this was addressed by the Nuka World expansion pack, but even then the bad guys just were not that bad. In the end, they were mostly driven by the same goals as the so called good guys.

In a world without laws I have a really hard time believing that true evil could not exist or even flourish. I also think it is ludicrous that the bottle cap currency is what motivates everyone in the game to do what they do. Bottle caps.... is that really the best thing that the developers could come up with? In the world we know, money in whatever form it takes is just a means to an end. We require it to have things. That's it. What then do you suppose motivates the richest people in the world to keep getting up and going to work when they have more money than they could spend in a 100 lifetimes? The answer to that is power. They seek to impose their will over every other human being on the planet. With that established, let us take another look at how Fallout 4 could and probably should be represented.

In its current state Fallout 4's depiction of good and evil is represented by groups on both sides competing for the same things basically. These groups are opposed to each other even within their chosen niche. What if however that there was a person that was not motivated by greed but power instead. Suppose that they gained a following and began to spread like a disease and held nothing as pure and sacred except the acquisition of power? Think of the opportunities that would exist for such a person as this! A person like this would never bargain or compromise, but make only demands for what they desired. Their sole goal would be to exert their will over everyone in essence achieving something greater than wealth. It would be absolute power.

While considering these things, I became interested in telling a story about this. It would involve many things that I do not normally deal with in my stories. Like most people, I cling to hope and traditionally always tell the tale of a gracious winner. In reality however we are forced to contend that evil has a chance and with enough good fortune it might actually win. This is never a happy ending and it is not a natural thing to portray.

In my new series, I intend to examine the depths that this could lead to. I want to uncover all the graphic actions of a world gone truly mad. For this reason, I have decided to label this work with a NSFW tag as it will encompass content that I would not want my followers to blindly stumble upon only to be shocked by what they see and read there. I value you greatly as my followers and felt it was necessary to explain this before I delve into it. Think about what the NSFW tag could mean because it is likely that you will see that material in this story. If the idea of content like that is unappealing to you, then please pass it by. I will understand completely.

In our preparations for the future, we always have to remain vigilant against evil. Evil does not always lose because it was designed that way. Evil only loses because there exists enough good to defeat it. In the absence of light, there can only be darkness.

Follow @olmech


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