Gambling? Which phase are you?

The incidence and prevalance of gamblers had been on a steady rise. This may be attributed in part to the volatility of world economies and increased hardship all over in part and the other hand to the active advertisement done by the owner of gambling firms,dangling the possibility of making a fortune in a split in front of gullible individuals.
The facts of the matter remain intolerable and unaccomodating , gambling,is a bad habit to be acquired by any individual. Today i will elucidate the phases of gambling;

  1. Winning Phase
    This is the cream d' la cream of the phases,when all is going well,and almost all bets are winning. It doesn't last for long. I wil you why in the next phase.

  2. The Losing phase.
    The winning doesn't last for long,because of what is called the "House Edge". Whenever you bet,you do so against the gambling house, and by mathematical calculations and permutation,there always have the higher propensity to win the bet(that is you losing) over you. With therefore,you losses are bound to overtake your gains overtime,hence the wining phase is shortlived. And when this happens, .....welcome to the loosing phase.

  3. The Desperation Phase
    Before long,you begin to develop anxiety towards winning,you loose bets by small margins(maybe 1game in 30),which makes you continue to hope that you will win on the next bet,and when this is not happening, with your finances running out,you through it all in,start selling your valueables and the downward spiral just continues.

So, there you have them,the phases,do you gamble? Which phase are you? Do you disagree?
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

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