A very successful asset-trading strategy we have used over and over and over again always with good results...


I just added Day 36's email to my It Takes Money to Make Money mailing list....

NOTE that it is NOT investment advice!

Remember that money is an IOU, the idea here is that your IOU's are the "sell side"!

So you are not actually intended to invest at all, you are supposed to be selling, and of course buying back, your own IOUs!

That is to say, you mine or mint a bunch of coins or tokens, or you have a huge "bag" of them lying around since long years ago, and you finally find a place they can be traded so you start piling them up for sale building a huge huge column of sell offers, then as they get bought you use the proceeds to build up, preferably from the very very lowest price the trading vanue allows, a stronger and stronger and stronger "buy side".

So this is not about investing at all, it is about buying and selling your IOUs.

Or other people's too, if you happen to hold a huge stash of coins or tokens issued originally by someone else.

But it is NOT about "investing", it is about buying and selling stuff, in essence buying low and selling high. :)

NOTE that if you are interested in my mailing-lists the place to start is


Here is the email in question:

Hello again from my [ItTakesMoneyToMakeMoney] list!

The ultimate in downline depth is the "early adopter" thing we've seen in crypto.

It can be like shares that can only be bought from people who already have some.

You just have to prepared for "dumps".

There will be dumpers, whether a form of "griefer" that gets some kind of "kick" out of trying to destroy value even if it destroys the value of their own remaining holdings, or "short sellers" who sell "short" (low prices) hoping to trigger others to sell off so they can buy back in cheap, or just hackers who "dump" the proceeds of hacks without caring that by so doing they lower the prices on the "spot markets".

So it is important to build the "buy side", the side closest to what you cash out into, very strong, stronger and stronger the lower the price since the lower the price goes the more other folks are going to be tempted to panic sell or "stop loss" sell lowering the prices even more.

Do this properly and you can benefit massively from "dumps" as it is you they are "dumping" on, at lower and lower prices the more they "dump".

So you want a huge column of buy offers, preferably all the way up from the very very bottom.

You also should have a huge column of sell offers, MarkM used to pile sell offers up to three times as high as he thought price would ever go only to wake up some day and find the price had skyrocketed to three times that! So it is probably best to try to build your sell offer column up to ten times as high as you imagine the price will ever go.

You also want your buy offers at least twice as dense as your sell offers, so if someone buys up a huge swathe of your sell offers the buy offers you create with the proceeds won't go up past the half-way point of what they just bought, thus won't go over the average price they just paid thus won't tempt them to dump some back at more than the average price they just paid.

This is a strategy that has worked over and over and over again, and the reason it has had to be repeated over and over and over again is the tendency of "centralised exchanges" to fly by night or claim to have been hacked or both. It seemed to be a standard "exit strategy" for a while there, probably a lot of exchanges were started with a plan up front of flying by night or claiming to have been hacked.

The big damage such events did was to the "buy side", the side closest to cash-out.

This strategy always kept accumulating more and more and more of the "sell side", and since to most folk the only value apparent in the sell side was the buy offers sitting on the buy side, once the night-flyers or hackers ran off with the buy-side (usually bitcoins in those days) the sell-side coin or token appeared worthless so it was cheap and easy to buy it back once another venue for trading it came along.

NOTE that despite these repeated losses due to the vagaries of centralised exchanges this has still all along been a very profitable strategy.

The thing to remember is money is an IOU. Platforms such as Ripple and Stellar kind of make that sort of clear but still a lot of folk don't seem to get it.

Once you get your sell-side coin or token back, it is like you bought back your IOU.

You oughtn't to be selling it at all if you have no intention of buying it back, as it is that pile of buy offers that "make it valuable".

Sites like CoinMarketCap look at the buy offers to decide what price to display as the supposed "value" of a coin or token. So you really really want to keep your buy side nice and strong and solid and dense.

You make your money on the trading, buy low sell high, not on the ever-growing pile of the sell-side coin or token that you accumulate year by year.

We will look next time at what to do with that ever-growing pile of the sell-side asset. :)

Meanwhile here is a link to a bunch of assets on the Stellar platform that at time of writing (October 2023) we had hardly even begun to build the buy-sides (the XLM, Stellar Lumens sides) of and which thus were being sold cheap to speed up the process of acquiring Lumens with which to strengthen those buy-sides...


NOTE the above is NOT about INVESTING, see the article about that on HIVE blockchain:


-MarkM- (Knotwork, Makemoney Knotwork etc)

The above is the part intended for you to copy(edited) for your own list.
Down here we can put things specific to our own version of this list...


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