Thought for the day

I beleave that we are on the verge of a huge revolutin.
That we are going a direction that wil make the world a unrecognisable place in less than a generation.

Today we have technology that goes further than what even the futurists 50 years ago could have imagined. But we also stand with a challenge, And what do I know maby it is even the biggest challange of them all. To give the power back to the habitants of this planet. Humans, plants, animals alike, so we can make this place habitable without standing in the way of progress of the human experrience and progress.

One of the bigges challenges we face is food. To solve this we need to start utilizing both smalscale gardenfarming and aquaponic senters. Both things that can be built in a rellativly low cost to none. With the aquaponic systems we will fast be able to locallize the food production even in heavy urban aereas. Minimizing the waterusage for farming and being able to give farmland back to the forrest so it can regenerate after the destruction we have done. And working with permaculture projects we can do this collectively to a utilization space for us all.

Housing should also be an easy thing with hemp fiber or other fiberus bi matherial for example when you make sugar, essencial oils. Coconuts fiber etc and a 3d printer. All existing technologies that just needs to be utilized for its potential! When one of these machines could make a scyskraper in a month why dont we do it to shelter our homeless and needy?

Cars and transport wil also be decentralized though a network of selfdriving veicles. Where you you wil pay for the usage that car have from a to b + repairs + for a replacement (or 2) when the time for replacement is there. And where you have an app?!? you order and place your route! Taking the need for posessing a car away!

Computers wil even have desentralised computing and prosessing power + storrage for example through a blockchain or simular technologies. Where you need verry little power on your device to do big things. Opening a world of collective informationsharing to a whole new level. Where the internet will be just a dayfly as it stands. And decentralizing this will also optimize energy usage to for example gather heat for aquaponic senters of as simple as housing and hotwater. Wich again opens for new biproducts like biogas. Compost etc.

Even water can be collected even in the desert at night if you have the right equipment. And should be done collectively.

What is my point of all of this? I want evryone to understand one thing. That evryone can do anything if you just fight for it! Evry system in our history have been replaced by a new system. And the only constant known to man is change. And it is time for a change. We need to start working as one. Not waiting for someone to do it for us. We need to unite for the future of humanity and the sanity of our species.

For many years we have had coorperations controlling. Goverments going against the population. Corruption in vital aereas of our lives and it have to stop. We now have the power to do what we need to do to give equity a place in our vocabulary and in our daily routine, and we will all thrive.

Once information is free. Truely free. And where the people have a way of voting for each and evry change that is affecting and effecting them there wil be no peace on this planet. For in the current way of corperate thinking we want more, Always more. We wil drain and waist our most valuable resources.

And for this i will dedicate my life. And i hope i can get as many of you with me as possible. And i know you are many warriors already out there for you i salute!

Keep up the important work. And keep your intentions clear. And we will all thrive through this for generations to come!

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