Liberland: The Country Of The Future That Exists Today

Tired of oppressive governments, excessive taxes, leaders with really bad hair?

Simply unacceptable

I have good news for you!

There is a place, between Croatia and Serbia, where you won’t have to deal with any of these things! Founder in 2015, Liberland is the world’s first Country functioning as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). The founder, “Vít Jedlička” calls it “the only logical solution” to alleviate “the pressure of high taxes and regulations.” The territory had been a no mans land created when neither Croatia or Serbia laid claim to the territory.


You Can Be A Citizen!

Liberland has opened their borders and is looking for more citizens! They are looking for people who:
have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation, or religion
have respect for private ownership which is untouchable
were not punished for past criminal offences

You can apply for citizenship here

It sounds pretty nice. While they do not have any settlements yet, they do own a rather nice houseboat on which they hold parties (I’ve heard that they are ragers). Taxes are voluntary and they’ve pledged to keep regulations to a minimum.

So how does it work? If you want to become a citizen you must either buy in ($5000 USD) or offer your services. Either will make you the proud new owner of Merit, their in country cryptocurrency. Merit allows individuals to vote on new regulations, transact with other citizens, and even take part in the judicial system.

Getting There Is Easy

Currently the easiest way to get to Liberland is via the Danube, so the next time you find yourself in Eastern Europe, grab a raft, a kayak or possibly a pleasure yacht and take a trip down the river to see what Liberland is all about! My guess is that you will receive a warm and friendly welcome (remember folks, no rules = legal drug use and great parties!)


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