Things That Will Be Obsolete By 2067

Life in 1967

50 years ago, the space race was nearing its peak. Televisions were becoming a very common household item. Phones were still attached to walls. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released. The world was a very different place. As will it be in another 50 years ago. In this article, I'm going to try to predict some not so obvious (sorry, we all know newspapers will be obsolete) things that will be nearly forgotten about in 2067, 50 years from now.


A bit of a strange one here, but we've already started to see some signs of this coming true. Locksmiths are less and less common these days, people are more forgetful, and cars can start themselves with a push of a button. I believe that by the year 2067, keys will be obsolete. I don't know if it will be pass-codes or some other technology to replace them, but I believe they will be a thing of the past.

Cars That Run on Gasoline

This one isn't as bold of a prediction, but the oil companies won't go without a say in it. Renewable energy and electric cars will NEED to be the future or our grandchildren and great grandchildren are going to pay heavily for it. My prediction is that cars will be 100% electric, solar powered, or running on natural fuels like ethane by 2067.

Fiat Currency

This is probably one of the only social media platforms where this idea won't be seen as crazy. Here on SteemIt, we all see the power in the blockchain and crytpocurrencies. I believe that soon, so will the rest of the world. SteemIt, Bitcoin, and the rest of the cryptocurrency world need to be ready for mass adoption in the next 10-15 years. Paper money is a joke and not backed by anything real and soon the public will be tired of just accepting this. There isn't enough gold and silver to circulate the world and be the worldwide currency. The ease of exchanging cryptocurrencies with someone across the entire world and in a country with a completely different fiat currency is what will drive this change. Therefore, I believe Fiat Currency could be completely gone by the year 2067.\


Another bold prediction, but I truly believe with the rapid influx of brilliant minds into the tech/biomedical field, a complete cure or at least a much better treatment than chemotherapy will be available by 2067. Stem cell research has come a long way in just the past 5 years. The human body is capable of fully repairing itself, it just needs the help of these stem cells. Although, a bigger and worse disease will have most likely evolved by 2067, I believe cancer will also be a thing of the past.


This article was just my thoughts and opinions on the future, feel free to comment something you think will be obsolete in 50 years!

As always, thanks for reading and feel free to upvote, resteem, and follow me @brianm4

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