I'll Just Flag This Post Myself, Thanks! (Original Note and Artwork)

 Yeah I read over it once, and I wondered what would happen if I go ahead and flag it. Just push the button, and end it. 


I really don't drink, but I've kept some booze around for moments like this. It's both depressing and exhilarating to think about pushing that button, signing the flag, then bravely clicking it.

 I think it's vodka, some strong vodka for the self-flagging of this post-- somehow it just feels like that awful click should be done with an alcoholic belch. I don't use bad language often, but damn, this is scary.

 Call of the Flag Button 

I wonder if it hurts? Would others join in and flag my post too? It seems wrong, and it could probably be considered an abuse of the flag system, for which the post could get flagged into oblivion. Maybe that would teach me, but with little understanding of that part of this platform, I'm not sure if that's really how it's supposed to work. There's one way to find out. 

(Can I even do this? Would I?)

 Fear came over me when I saw that I could flag my own post. But can I do it? Crumbs-- if some vote-bots came by, the post would be resuscitated-- I haven't the Steem Power to do it in properly. Can vote-bots detect flags, or the flagg-ish residue? Would they swim on by, looking for less flaggy posts? This is uncomfortable, not knowing little things like that.

And if the bots smelled death on the flagged carcass of this post and skipped it, then-- the pity votes! An innocent post flagged like that, by it's own creator. What a mess. 

Kind-hearted Steemians would see the greyed-out post, then after the curiosity-click, would see the distress in my post title, and swim to the rescue. I can already hear their disappointed tones.  
This could end up being embarrassing. A couple of healthy minnows could up-vote me back with little trouble-- I'd be bumped back out of the fog out of pity, and my friends would ask in the comments "Why'd you do it @therealpaul? Was the post really that bad?" I wonder if this is going to leave a scar.

 What would I gain by flagging my own post? 

I've thought about this. Respect, I think, is what I'd gain. If I go through with this, I'll be remembered throughout Steemland as a bad dude. Wary Steemers will begin up-voting my posts out of courtesy to the new sheriff-- the new Thug-in-Chief.  

What? I get that I don't really get the flag system as is is set up, I've never seen anything like it, but it looks like a dangerous gadget, and I am both brave and ignorant-- I will do it. I'll be the example, I'll be the Jonathan Livingston Seagull of minnows, swimming into uncharted waters for the collective benefit of the whole school. 


Beyond the negative attention and pity, I like the idea of being able to flag my own post; as a show of bravado, but also to get the fullest use from the platform, to expand the Steemit experience with a true holistic approach to the complex flag system. 

This drink is getting low, that was quick. 

Here's some more odd drawings from old notebooks, I'll try to add some value to this post, so if I flag it, my flag'll feel more dramatic:


ball-point pen on note pad paper 

pencil on notebook paper

Here Goes... the SELF-FLAG?

All the vodka was in the bottom of the glass, that was a surprise. I stir the next one. Then I'm a go flag myself/

 This is going to hurt isn't it? I've got like 4,500 Steem Power, it's not much, but I'm not the kind of person who zaps themselves with a tazer just because it may not be lethal. What the fun am I doing.?

It's certainly not too late to talk me out of this, but meanwhile, I'll be sitting here with my little drynk in one hand, ant the other hand z gonna be quivering over the clicker thingy, the flag flagger button.
art by me, from old scrapbook sketch
thanks for the attention, I'll be right here... 

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