You know what really grinds my gears... #3


Traveling can be a time to admire the human species. Mainly because I really can't comprehend what is going through people's minds when in or near an airport. This gear grinding situation focuses on overhead storage on a plane.

Let's walk this through...

Everyone hangs around in a hoard near the gate as a flight attendant starts the process of boarding everyone - from the high priority / high loyalty folks all the way down to the schlubs who fly once in a blue moon. That isn't a knock on the back end, they just know there is no chance at an overhead compartment for a roller bag.

Anyway, they start the boarding process and, if you are flying first thing Monday or on a Thursday afternoon, you should be expecting a high volume of those high loyalty folks boarding early. As boarding continues, the overhead compartment really starts to fill up and two of my biggest pet peeves occur -

During boarding, why does any person think it makes sense to open or close an overhead compartment.

  1. A guy puts his bag in the overhead and "thinks" it is full so decides to close the compartment after his bag is in.... most likely the overhead is full, but still. Why?
  2. A guy opens a closed overhead compartment to "triple" check there isn't room for his giant roller bag. Why?

Just don't touch it. The only time you should open or close an overhead compartment is when you are in air and need to get something out of it. During boarding, just trust the process in place. Flight attendants will close the overheads when they are full. You aren't going to be the one guy in the history of boarding that opens an overhead compartment and finds there are no bags in there or a ton of space for your crap. Yes, your life sucks and your bag will be further back on the plane. Deal with it.

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