Friday's Food!

All Photos taken by me, my property.

Please look below the Last Picture for my Take on them!

Florida Junction, being one of the Best shopping Centre's close to where we stay, I am there at least once per week.

During last week ,I notice that Domino's Pizza is having a half price week on all Pizza's!

So eventually, on Friday , after discussion with Wayne and Chris , I head there, only to find I have left my wallet at home?, a not unusual occurrence? ( I always leave something) I head home , come back , and join the queue marked Order. ( see bottom Photo)


So , I place the order , am told it will be about 30 Minutes, stroll over to Spar to obtain freshly made Pancakes , which I wait for, stroll around the Shop , and then leisurely make my way back to Domino's to collect my Pizzas!


Lo and Behold , I cannot find my name on the screen forecasting when your order will arrive, I eventually figure out that they have set my name up as Mr. L !

A really strange way to spell Alan?

Although I have been waiting about 40 minutes, it at last goes to 17 minutes!


It stays at 17 Minutes for another 25 minutes? , At last 9 minutes , this takes another 20 minutes?

Being a Sci Fi buff I am not sure if they are adding extra time to my Lifespan?

3 Minutes , and it says, being tested?,

so to avoid some unsavoury character, taking a bite out of my Pizza,

I hurriedly go to the counter marked Pick Up ( no , not scantily dressed young ladies?) and I am entrusted with my 2 Large Pizza's for the price of one ! ( paid much earlier!)


Now, as I was waiting , I took pictures:-

Picture 1

This really worried me, having Pizza's and Rodents advertised on the same Pillar!

Picture 2

This gentleman, also waiting, had "not my problem" on the sleeves of his Jacket?, as he was also waiting , I felt it was indeed his problem!

Picture 3

Due to the long wait I was not sure if Pizza's sent off in 1960 , could still be considered Fresh and Hot?

Picture 4

Although the Order and Pick Up area is so close together , the actual time difference was Two Hours and 2 Minutes.

The Pizza's were Great!

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