Daily Nature Fix: #FunkyEdits (Original Photo)

Hi guys. Wowee, it's getting late. A good night for another #funkyedits. This is an initiative spearheaded by Steemit members @krazypoet and @tattoodjay. The concept is pretty straight forward. You edit your photo in a pretty whacky way and then post up the results. Mine tonight is not a great photo by any means, but it is of one of my favorite moments. When a small pod of humpback whales began breeching outside of Juneau, Alaska.


I was going to spend a bit more time fixing some of the hard lines between color blocks, but then I sorta started liking the clip-arty look of them. It almost started to remind me of vintage national park promotional posters. This was a lot of fun to do because the photo wasn't great to start with. I had to crop a bunch right from the beginning and it was already looking blurry and out of focus. A good one to start getting silly with. lol Here's the original right off the camera.


Alright, I'm going to bed. Thanks for checking out my whacky photo!

Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and resteem if you found it especially interesting! Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss out on your nature fix! See you tomorrow. - Adam

*** These daily blogs showcase the natural world. It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels. ***

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