Non-cemented prosthesis - Why?

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Hip surgery

The objective is direct access to the hip joint allowing perfect exposure of the surgical field without the risk of damaging important structures (vessels, nerves and muscles). Achieve a functional and pain-free hip with arthroplasty. Its Indications are the Placement of a total hip prosthesis. Contraindications Inguinal skin infection. Ankylosis of the hip. Contracture in adduction, abduction range < 50º under anaesthesia. Need to reconstruct the acetabular roof with bone graft fixed with screws. Obesity with excess fat tissue at groin and thigh level (relative contraindication if body mass index greater than 30.



Surgical Technique

The surgical technique consists of a curved inguinal incision with the thigh slightly flexed and abducted. The leg remains in this position until the time of implant reduction. Temporary and partial disinsertion of the long adductor in the area of its tendon insertion. Dissection and ligation of the deep branch of the medial circumflex artery at the femoral neck. Opening of the articular capsule. Medial and distal dislocation of the femoral head. Depending on the indicated prosthetic model: resection only of marginal osteophytes in surface prostheses, subcapital osteotomy if a neck prosthesis is placed or resection at the base if a standard diaphyseal stem is placed. We increase the flexion and abduction of the limb to allow the proximal femoral component to be prepared and the implant to be inserted.


Non-cemented prosthesis

The total hip prosthesis with uncemented stem has been followed for a very important time and reported by serious authors all over the world, in easily reproducible studies and with excellent results. in the long run.

Like all hip prostheses, this one may not be able to will solve the problems of long-term stable fixation, however as far as it has been studied the fixation provided is suitable to more than 20 years in more than 80%. of the cases, so the results are excellent and so far comparable with the models that have reported the best results, whether cemented or uncemented.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

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