A Visit to Kumasi Children Home #Collaboration With @girlsfoundation #The Preparatory Process



So before the 7th of January, 2019, myself @nattybongo and the representative of @girlsfoundation for Ghana, @mcsamm met on how a trip we have been working on for quite some time now, a trip to the orphanage and not just to see the faces of the workers there or the children that reside there but to get them gifts to commemorate the new year and also to spread the love of the blockchain. So we started preparations and informed the blockchain about what we intend and to God be the Glory when the 7th was due we were able to go on this visit with the things we have accumulated to be given to these wonderful kids.



We (@nattybongo, @mcsamm, @earlito) presented them with foods, drinks, biscuits, waters, rices and a whole lot more just to mention a few. Our greatest wish though was for us to be able to interact and take some pictures with them for the blockchain but according to the rules and regulations of the institution we are allowed to interact with them all right but no photos of them are allowed, it has to do with issues concerning adoption, apparently the kids been seen on social media in some of these pictures that may be taken creates issues for their adoption, hence those guidelines. Irrespective of that we had a great time with the manageress, talking about the lives of the kids and how their proceedings are like.



I for one it was the first time I was visiting the Kumasi Children Home and it was a great pleasure to not be going there for sightseeing but on a mission of good will, and I must say none of these would have been possible without the blockchain backing us. I must therefore express my profound gratitude and appreciation to @fundition and @adollaraday for their marvelous support of the @bettervision agenda, and to @girlsfoundation for being the wonderful partner that they are, to @mcsamm for his zeal to see smiles on the faces of others and @earlito of @steemitashanti for being with us on this journey of touching lives. God Bless you all





What is @bettervision about?

@bettervision is is a project initiated by @nattybongo and friends to give back to the society the knowledge and skill acquired through the Optometric Studies in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.It is an outreach system where we visit the less privileged communities to offer free eye screening services and education to the people within the community

To reduce or prevent vision loss through diseases such as glaucoma, cataract and refractive errors.

To enlighten the majority of the Ghanaian population about the importance of proper visual care.

To conscientize people on the need for regular eye checks

To get more people to have their wards screened within the Critical periods of a Child’s Vision Development; thus from ages 3 to till about 10 years.

To help the blind and people with low vision live a better life within the society through education of the general public to stop stigmatization.

Our greatest gratitude goes to @fundition @adollaraday @surfyogi @girlsfoundation @bleepcoin @ackza @indigoocean @nanzo-scoop @steemstem @demotruk @pennsif @steem-ambassador @kasho and @wafrica for helping to make the aims and objectives of @bettervision a reality.

This is me @nattybongo reporting for @bettervision. Thanks for your time.

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