a warm salad inspired by fruitsandveggiesmonday

We were given a whole bunch of free veggies last week and I needed to use them up before they went bad. So, I was tasked with creating a vegetable based meal which would satisfy our craving for something wintery on this crazy day in Perth- it has rained non-stop since this morning and it is the middle of summer!

Perfect day to put the oven on and roast some veg- especially on @lenasveganliving’s #fruitsandveggiesmonday!

All I did for this was take our potatoes and sweet potato (yam)- donated by my mother-in-law, and zucchini- donated by my friend Bel’s nonna, and combine them with capsicum (red pepper), onion, and garlic cloves, and roasted in a hot oven for about 40 minutes. I cut the veg into small cubes, apart from the zucchini, which I cut into slices, so it didn’t get too mushy.


I also stuffed some cup mushrooms with half a garlic clove and some vegan margarine, and wrapped in foil.


To serve, I made a bed of spinach and quinoa, spooned the veggie mix on top and garnished with diced shallots and toasted pine nuts. I also whipped up an avocado dressing, which is just avocado and a splash of EVOO and water, some salt and pepper and into the mini-food processor to make it smooth.


All in all, I think it was a success for using up some of the veg we had left in the fridge.

Waste not, want not x

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