4 Dangers of Jackfruit for Pregnant Women

Jackfruit provides a number of benefits for pregnant women. But this fruit can also cause certain effects during pregnancy.


Pregnancy is the most important period for pregnant women who are waiting for their baby to come. Keeping nutritious intake is done to maintain the quality of the fetus they contain, one of them is by eating jackfruit.

Reporting from Babyologist, magnesium content and calcium in jackfruit are very good for maintaining bone health of pregnant women. In addition, iron in the fruit can also prevent pregnant women from getting anemia.

But, do you know, behind all the benefits, jackfruit can have an adverse impact on the health of pregnant women?

Impact of consumption of jackfruit during pregnancy

Everything that is healthy when consumed in excess can also have a negative effect, including jackfruit. The following are some of the effects of consuming jackfruit excessively for pregnant women:

  1. Causes allergies
    As reported by Mom Junction, eating too much jackfruit can make pregnant women experience allergies. So, if you have never eaten jackfruit before, you are advised not to consume it.

  2. Causes digestive disorders
    Jackfruit consumption in large quantities can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea in pregnant women. This can happen because jackfruit has a high fiber content.

  3. Blood coagulation
    According to the health website Foods for Better Health, if you suffer from blood disorders, pregnancy is not the right moment to eat jackfruit. Because, jackfruit can increase blood coagulation or blood clots in the body.

  4. Increase blood sugar levels
    Jackfruit as a source of natural sugar can easily increase blood sugar levels in the body of pregnant women. Therefore, consumption of jackfruit needs to be avoided for pregnant women who have gestational diabetes complaints.

Does jackfruit cause miscarriage?

Based on the Baby Center health website, jackfruit does not have the potential to cause miscarriages. So, you don't need to worry when you already eat it. Jackfruit as a source of vitamin A is very useful to help cell production, make baby's vision better, and support fetal development during pregnancy.

In addition, the substance niacin (vitamin B3) in it also helps regulate hormones, increase immunity, and control stress levels.

According to Dr. Nitish Basant Adnani BMedsc from KlikDokter, until now there has been no scientific research that mentions the effects of consuming jackfruit on pregnant women. However, the best way to keep a pregnancy healthy is to avoid it.

"Jackfruit fruit contains gas, glucose, cholesterol, and alcohol. Various contents can make pregnant women feel bloated, so it can trigger contractions, especially in the first trimester. If you want to consume it during pregnancy, it should be limited and consumed after eating, "he explained.

Besides eating jackfruit, Dr. Alvin Nursalim explained to KlikDokter that for pregnant women, food intake must be considered.

"Consumption of foods rich in nutrients such as fish, meat and eggs as a source of protein can improve pregnancy health. For other fruit choices that can be consumed during pregnancy are oranges, apples, and papaya, "said Dr. Alvin.

Consumption of jackfruit in pregnant women is good to support a healthy pregnancy. However, eating jackfruit excessively is also not good for your health. Especially for those of you who have gestational diabetes, it is highly recommended to avoid consumption of jackfruit. Come on, eat healthy for a healthy pregnancy! Read similar themed articles here.


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