sweet and delicious fruits

Good night,
how are you all hopefully always in a healthy state aja,
back again with me on this very happy night I will make a post about the fruit langsat,


fruit langsat is a kind of unique fruit but tasty,

this fruit is usually only bear fruit in one year only one time to bear fruit,

while the tree is very good to grow in the highlands,

usually what if the tree grows in the highlands then the tree will bear very much,

for example in the mountains
usually if the tree langsat growing in the mountainside besides the fruit very much but it also very sweet,



the taste of lasat is very sweet and very delicious friend main siapun who eat will be addicted,

if in my area the price of fruit langsat pretty cheap only with twenty thousand rupiah we can get 1kg fresh fruit langsat,



just a few posts from me, hopefully steemit loves like it, and if anyone likes the fruit langsat come to my area hehehe.

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