Welcome to Frikandel Politics Substack

Time to consider politics for what it is: a mixture of ingredients that can become a bit unappetizing when you get to know the actual composition. Just like a typical Dutch frikandel.

JAN 6, 2024

Once you know what's in it, you won't be surprised by strange flavors or unexpected textures so easily. Welcome to Frikandel-politics, where politics and the absurdity of a deep fried snack meet.

It is crucial that politicians become aware of the importance of transparency and honesty in their decision-making process. Just as consumers have the right to know what they are eating, citizens have the right to know what decisions are being made and based on what considerations. By pursuing openness and accessibility, the gap between politicians and society can be narrowed, creating a healthier and more trustworthy political environment. This can lead to a better understanding of and more involvement in politics and ultimately to a stronger functioning democracy.

It is also important that citizens actively participate in the political process. By remaining critical and asking questions, people can contribute to transparency and accountability within the political arena. As with a frikandel, where knowledge of certain ingredients can influence the appreciation of it, factual knowledge of political processes and decision-making can actually lead to a more responsible and constructive participation in the democratic process.


Therefore, it is crucial that we recognize the parallel between the complexity of a frikandel and the complexity of politics, and strive for more openness, honesty and transparency. This can lead to a healthier political culture in which the interests of citizens are central and society as a whole can thrive.

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