Twikeri: A love tale

The crisis between the two major clans of Twikeri Land; Akposeri and Kpakperi had evolved from a minor misunderstanding stemming from the choice of who to sit down in the position of authority, to a full-fledged war front, resulting in the unquantifiable loss of lives and properties. The effect had caused a ripple effect on the 5 smaller clans, resulting in unionism and unnecessary disagreements.

Before the advent of the war, the major source of a well balanced and complete collection of food resources for each clan was obtained from trade-by-barter with other clans, and this made the people of Twikeri Land a force to reckon with, as neighboring kingdoms set them as a standard. Most of the people were farmers, and each clan made sure that deals were struck with the next, not because of the quest for profit, but borne out of the love for the other, and an inner satisfaction garnered from ensuring that everyone else is well fed. How all that had changed within the twinkle of an eye.

The history of the bad blood could be traced back to four generations, when the then Clan Head of Kpakperi, Chief Ansalwad had called for a meeting amongst the who-is-who in Twikeri Land to discuss the imminent coronation of a new King, which based on historical turn of events, was zoned to his clan. Chief Ansalwad, being a man of honor and process, decided to seek opinion before a final decision was made, and he duly observed protocols to make sure that all the clan heads were respected in the invitations sent out.

However, being human and prone to mistakes, Chief Ansalwad had erroneously omitted some of the traditional items to be sent to the then Clan Head of Akposeri, Chief Mustaful, and that act riled the latter, resulting in total absence from the meeting. As tradition demands, if such mistakes were made, certain rites had to be carried out to appease the gods and soothe the clan in question, of which Chief Ansalwad went ahead to perform, just for peace to reign.

Thinking that all was well afterwards, Chief Ansalwad had proceeded with the coronation arrangement. Interestingly, Chief Mustaful had refused to be appeased, and decided to carry out an evil act in revenge. Knowing fully well that the Kingship was ceded to the Kpakperi clan, he sought coalition with some of the strong men and requested that an end should be put to the zoning process that had existed In the kingdom for over hundred years. In addition, he nominated one of his own to be crowned King, and this didn't sit well with the Kpakperi people.

As time went by, push became shove, and things got messier by the day. Efforts to salvage the situation proved abortive, and slowly the kingdom tore apart. Trade ties were broken, no king was crowned, borderlines were set, and chaos took charge; the once great and united Twikeri Land had become a shadow of itself. Women were slaughtered, children became orphans, well that's if they survived first; young men became warriors overnight, and thirst was quenched with blood.

All the hostility had been initiated by the Clan head of Akposeri, and every word of advice to back down fell on deaf ears. He, being an old war horse, believed that violence solved all issues; despite being the guilty, he didn't care.

Back to the present, more than hundred years after the feud had started, both clans still remained at loggerheads, and the clashes hadn't dropped off a bit. To make matters worse, the river which separates both Akposeri and Kpakperi clans had become a bone of contention, and the spot become a zone for kidnapping and subsequent murder.

However, like they say,

The gods are not dead

Surely so, because the gods of Twikeri Land had been patient enough, and had a plan to end the feud.

One fateful cool evening, Sheila, the daughter of the current Clan Head of Akposeri, Chief Maroof, had taken a stroll to the stream with her right-hand maid, against the rules of the land. She decided to take a bath, despite the protests of the maid. So she pulled her clothes off, and focused on her mission. Not too long afterwards, some young men from the Kpakperi clan came that direction, not regarding the boundaries, they crossed and captured the princess. The maid had seen them early enough to flee, however, the alarm she raised couldn't save the princess.

She was a beautiful woman in her early 20s, and they thought to rape and kill her. They decided to drag her to a safe house, where no one could interfere; however, on their way, they bumped into the prince of their land, Salaam, who scolded them for the act.

Truth be told that when he set eyes on Sheila, he fell in love and had so much compassion on her.

" Where are you from?", he asked with passion.
" I'm from Akposeri clan", she retorted shivering.

He ordered that the young men too her back, albeit he accompanied them. On reaching the border, he professed love to her, and she ran without looking back.

For days, Salaam made his way to the river, hoping to see Sheila, but it proved abortive. He finally decided to give it one last shot and that day became his lucky day. Sheila had come to take a bath, and was shocked to see him. The neither knew they were both from royal families; however, a strong chemistry existed immediately.

Weeks became months, and their ritual of meeting by the river continued. By now they had both opened up, and knew much about the other. Deep inside, Salaam knew his father would be cross, should he find out but not that it mattered to him. He had found love, and nothing was changing that.

Eventually, Salaam raised the issue to his father, and being a good man willing to end the fight, and after much consultation, they decided to go to the people of Akposeri in order to end the war.

Sacrifices were made, a truce was reached and all was set to return back to normal. Everyone was happy, trade ties were to be restored, peace would reign again.

When Sheila sighted Salaam from a distance, she ran to him; with tears in her eyes, she hugged him tight and everyone felt the emotion.


Credit @katalinaooma

Today, Sheila and Salaam are happily married with 2 lovely kids. Salaam was made King of Twikeri Land, peace and unity was restored, and the Kingdom is slowly becoming a force again.

The question is; "What can't love do? "


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