Nothing To Do At The Steemians House - A Freewrite

     There are so many prompts that I have missed, so it had been my intention to try and use as many in one #freewrite as possible. I managed to fit 18 prompts into this #freewrite. If you don't know what a #freewrite is, you can learn more HERE!


     It was Saturday morning at the Steemians Home. A steady rain peppered the house. It's occupants bored stiff. "There's literally nothing to do!" complained @Omra-Sky. In fact, there was plenty to do. Three grapes needed to be washed, some corn needed to be shucked, and there were some potatoes that needed peeling.

     There was also a lot of junk in the attic that needed to be cleaned out. Another concern is the infestation in the shed. The House still wasn't sure whether to fumigate or call for an exorcism. And then there was the bathroom. Oh, the bathroom. The smell from within was becoming unbearable.

     "Someone needs to deodorize the bathroom," suggested @MarcoRiccardi staring directly at @f3nix.

     F3nix, spent and tired from a snookfruit binge the previous night, gave a dismissive wave in protest. Marco merely shrugged in response. was that kind of day. Something was desperately needed to clear the salty air.

     As if on cue, @MarianneWest emerge from the solitude of the library. "Attention everyone, I have-"

     "A prompt!" @Snook interrupted excitedly.

     "Uh, no. I thought we'd do something different today. So I scored us tickets to go see Cinnamon The Monkey Medium! She's only in town for two days!" This proposition was meet with a chorus of uninterested mutterings. She then added, "It's free!" Everyone sprang to their feet.

     And off the Steem Keepers meet Cinnamon The Monkey Medium.


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Thank you @fireawaymarmot for the Over 20 Club badge!

Thank you @Snook! Steem on!

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