MOTEV | Open Letter – Episode 3

MOTEV | Open Letter – Episode 3

As you know as true follower of #motev - you know I write a lot of these letters and if you are new here,
you might follow me for some interesting topics - Just saying or am I asking you? You decide! 😊

Well first, I survived the second and last weekend total lockdown, written a few #freewrite posts and even a poem and yes, I do write #poetry, mostly wordplay that live inside my head. Some were made on the spot or sometimes an old couplet I made up a long time ago.
But I made #poem or to say – A spoken word poem for a spoken word competition but the age barrier limited me to apply. But that is ok, I still pitched it to a few good friends, I did in a voice note and that was the second take I sent to them – They loved it!
One of them who is well in the age limit to apply, sent it in with a video speaking the words out loud :0.
If this wins, it will be my third strike to be the sign that I need to do something with writing but in the end win or lose , there is always learning . I will keep writing.
I spoke with the guys in Creative Podcast (@diegoameerali) and Gerry Francis [don’t worry I will drop the episode when it is released] and the idea of ghostwriting came to it when I told me winning a story-writing competition and sealing a deal in also Top 15 District Poem competition and also used to write poems for people who used to “seduce” their crushes. They came up with: Maybe I should do ghostwriting.

The whole idea that I am writing for someone and not being credited – Oeef!! That’s a 50-50 decision.
Let me put this way it depends on the subject and the person/Project.
First of all the best of ideas or manuscripts I would not have someone else name on it but I would definitely take other projects where I will be willingly write for the project on other to finance my masterpieces.

  • I write sometimes articles on ideas and on things that interest me (my obsession on Trends)
  • I write fictive stories, start as story in my head and then I work it out on paper with an open end ( keep the public guessing) this would work for short movies.
  • Novellas: Tried it a few times, well I don’t have why I love to twist my stories a lot hahaha
    So yeah I think I will take that challenge writing for someone, I hope someone with a #cinematography or #screenwriter- Let’s collab! You never know what can spin off together, two minds better than one right

Oh yeah how about graphics or illustration for your #HIVEblogs, U need? I can give!
My social handles/C. V is in my bio let me know and as always grantangi for reading my blogs.

P.S: @jeanlucsr, I’m accepting the illustration challenge, stay tuned!

#write #blog

Illustration by my brother:

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