#DailyFreeWriteChallenge: Day 110 - California

She wants to move to California. She must've lost her mind. Why would you ever want to do that? The traffic is absolutely unbearable. A single bedroom apartment split between 8 people is going to cost you five grand. It's an unaffordable place to live and that's being generous. a gallon of milk is going to cost you $20. Gas prices are sky high, and you're going to waste it sitting in traffic anyways! The people...they're everywhere! Everywhere you go there's somebody bumping into you or smoking a cigarrette. Oh, and the smog. The air quality in California is terrible. There's a misty haze that hovers over the entire state!

What about the beauty though? The Redwoods. Trees that shoot hundreds of feet out of the ground along the ocean front. The Bay Area. San Fransisco is a bustling city full of vibrant and eccentric personalities. The food. The food is amazing. Such fresh ingredients in every dish.

The quality of person in California is interesting. A lot of talented people travel to California. So I can imagine why you want to move there. It's a best of the best type of place. Only the strong, the hungry, the determined, survive. It isn't a place for the weak.

There are so many different aspects of California. You travel inland and learn that the state is full of desert. Joshua Tree California is one of the most beautiful places in the world. At night, the entire sky is dancing with stars. You can't even see the blackness because the light illuminates the entire sky. There's an energy in Joshua Tree that is palpable. It's uncomparable. It is a scacred land full of energy.

Go to California kid. Live out your dreams. Try to become who you've always wished you could be. Dont let anybody else tell you otherwise.


Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

This post was written via The Most Dangerous Writing App in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest. Today's (Day 110) prompt is "California". If you're curious about the #dailyfreewritechallenge, check out the introduction post here.

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