#DailyFreeWriteChallenge: Day 109 - yard sale

Come one come all to the greatest yard sale in all the land where you can find doo-hickeys galore. there are busted old couches and t-shirts with stains covered all over them. Right here are my childhood action figures. Power Rangers were my favorite but now they might be yours! No they aren't dolls mom, they're action figures! Don't mind the cobwebs covering most of everything. They're harmless and so are the spiders crawling around inside of them! Oh, just make sure not to burst the sac of eggs or else we'll really have a problem. Baby spiders are much cuter than full grown arachnids but i'd prefer to only do business with creatures that have 2 or fewer limbs

So, what tickles your fancy? What are you looking for today? Just shopping around? I can sell you this poster for hmmmm $1.99! No? Too much? Well then get off my yard! Haha just kidding please come back and buy something I need to pay my way through college. Student loans really start to take a toll on you after graduation. It's all fun and games until you're living back home at 25 and trying to figure out how you're going to pay the government $50k that you don't have. Maybe next time i should consider applying for some scholarships!

You sir! I see you checking out my antique hourglass. What do ya say? $3? Hmmmm $2.50? Okay, okay. you drive a hard bargain... SOLD! To the man in the blue suede hat! Wait! That's mine too! You want it to be a packaged deal? No sir I just can't part with my 7th grade Halloween costume accessory. Hmmm. $1 you say? Well...that is about a fraction of what it originally costs but if you consider the depreciation of 10 years sitting inside of this damp garage then I think i might be coming out ahead...SOLD!

How about you mam, is there anything that I can find for you?

yard sale.jpg
Photo by Jack Douglass on Unsplash

This post was written via The Most Dangerous Writing App in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest. Today's (Day 109) prompt is "yard sale". If you're curious about the #dailyfreewritechallenge, check out the introduction post here.

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