People Would Always ‘Categorize’ | #FreeWrite

I want something of different breed.

I prefer an unusual kind.

I choose a certain class.

People today are so into categorizing all things that comes their way, and I can say that it is normal and it is okay. What's wrong is when we do this to make others feel worthless or far inferior from the other.

So just this morning I heard a couple of girls talking about having a new dog; "I was planning to ask my Mom for a dog as her birthday gift to me, maybe a Pomeranian would be nice right?"
"Why would you need to ask for another one, you have Snow?” the girl on pink asked her.
"Duh?! Snow is a mongrel.

Another example for me would be how we interact, how affectionate we are or how we carry ourselves in front of a person who have greater influence than those people who doesn't have anything to offer. I've seen a lot of documentaries where people would act differently toward the former and the latter. People are kinder, more forgiving , more courteous and polite to those people who belong to the upper class rather than those who are truly in need of help.

I won't be hypocrite, for there are times I caught myself being like this too. Though one thing is for sure, it doesn't make me feel any better.

So as I've mentioned class, kind, breed and category are not the things that I find unacceptable. It is the mere thought of using these as standard to demean, degrade, or devalue others.


Wouldn't it be possible to just love, appreciate, and respect each other? Because only through these we can truly accept and celebrate one’s class, kind, breed or category.

The moment a little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.—Eric Berne

* Freewriting- is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without stopping, and without regard for spelling, grammar, or any of the usual rules for writing. It might include a topic (prompt) as a general guide, or it might not.
** Thank you @mariannewest for your initiative to run #freewrite, #freewritepoetry, #freewritepoetrydigest.

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