Day 218, Prompt: Clouds - 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge


Clouds have always been a mystery to me. Their perquilier shapes fascinate me. In the summer time I like to look up and just watch them. They transport me to another world and make me feel relaxed. Maybe I'm just weird or maybe a lot of people are like me.

When I look at clouds I feel the same as when I look at stars. They're magical and so far away. I look at the clouds to escape from my world. I watch the shapes form and the dark clouds invade the light ones until the sky is dark.

There's just something facinating about clouds.

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's prompt was 'Clouds.' If you're wanting to participate in the #dailyfreewritechallenge, just follow the link:

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