Writing Prompt Contest: A Purple Squirrel

Dinner is done
I am in the kitchen cleaning up
Putting dinner away
Washing the dishes
Cleaning the counter

When I hear a sniffle

Of course my mommy ears perk right up
I go in search of that sniffle
and I find it in my 7 year olds room

Whats wrong Riley?
Do you need help building your legos?

No, I got it already. Its just...

What? Its just what? Did something happen?

He looks at me with tears slowly filling his eyes
just breaking my heart

Jimmy said I can't be a Ninja when I'm grow'd up and its not fair.

Relief spreads over me as I realize this is what has upset him.

Oh he did? And why not? If you work hard and train you could be the best Ninja there ever was. Maybe Jimmy just doesn't know the secret.

The secret! Whats the secret...tell me...

The secret Riley, is, you can be whatever you want to be. No one can tell you what you can and cannot be. That will always be up to you. If you put your mind to it you could be the number one bestest Ninja the world has ever seen!

His face lights up with this huge smile that just fills my heart to the brim. He comes in for a big hug and I ask him...

So what are you gonna say the next time Jimmy asks what you are gonna be when you grow up?

and without hesitation as if a light bulb went off at that very second...he told me, as happy as could be..

A PURPLE SQUIRREL!!! Cuz I can be what I want!

and he laughs and laughs and I laugh along with him.

Sure can buddy. If thats what you really wanted...I know you could make it happen.


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