#freewrite with prompt: Splinter

This was my very first #freewrite
At the time I didnt know what i was doing LOL so I never actually posted it
It was just posted as a comment
So here it is

Please enjoy!


I feel like chaos
Flashes of red
ringing in my ears
I close my eyes and tilt my head back
now I’m floating
With each breath
Four seconds
my lungs expand
sucking the oxygen in through my nose
Seven seconds
this air circulates
and permeates
and resonates within me
Souring through my bloodstream
Spreading through me like fire touching gas
Eight seconds
a slow release
My lungs deflate
The chaos turns to calm
The red behind my eyes disappear
My eyes open
I can finally see where the red came from
the chaos
the confusion
I pull the splinter out of my toe
and keep walking



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