Heretics -5minutefreewrite


It is heresy, surely, but just at this moment, I'd like steem's value to dip just a bit relative to Bitcoin. Just a little. You see, I have an open order on Bittrex to exchange $500 of BTC for Steem so I can bring it over here and power it up.

I'm eager to get that done before we leave on our trip tomorrow. I guess I can do it all from my phone, or @stinawog's laptop, but I'd rather not have it on my mind. Plus, and day now, we'll see steem shoot up, and I don't want to wish I'd gotten more when I had the chance. I'm grateful my Fomo comes earlier. But of course that means it's even less relatable.

I gotta just say it. I have a lot of fun on Steem, and I don't even play Steem Monsters. Not that I wouldn't, I just don't. That new drugwars game is pretty ok. I like that it doesn't require me to spend more than a couple minutes on it each day.

Seems, um, ripe for abuse by someone who designs a bot to create accounts and take all the bits and pieces. But then if there were multiple bots it wouldn't be worth the energy. So maybe they'll stop before they begin.

How are bots going to be fought? Proof of brain only goes so far. At some point an AI will be able to be indistinguishable, at least as far as writing content goes, as a person. And then how will the rewards not go to majority bots ... I guess communities of people who know each other. And then the bots will need to be good enough to make friends, and if you can do that, you deserve the Steem.

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