Freewrite Day 101 - Hardboiled Mind

Writing for today's 5-minute #freewrite prompt hosted by @mariannewest

Prompt: hardboiled minds



Oh, oh, that one would be perfect me!

Wait, there’s another sparkly one! But the price tag’s too much so maybe not that one.

Hey, where are you going now? Didn’t you tell me you’ll buy a ring this time? What happened to your pep talk of planting your own garden and picking your own flowers?

Oh, I guess you really didn’t want to buy the ring yourself, huh? You’re still hoping he’ll buy it for you and surprise you with an elaborate plan of hiding it on a dessert when you go out for your anniversary dinner later tonight.

News flash, it’s not going to happen. The guy didn’t even remember it’s your anniversary, you had to remind him with a text just an hour ago and there wasn't even a text back. You should be watching movies for the hardboiled minds instead of romcoms.


Well, the guy did remember. He bought you the ring and was planning a romantic dinner.


Luckily, I was on time.

The prompt was crudely inserted. I've seconds to spare and needed to end it fast. lol

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