Love and Laughter



I loved the graceful curve of her calf, resting just so across my lap as we sat watching our show. I ran my hand along her shin somewhat mindlessly, watching the TV, feeling the weight of her legs on mine.

Something funny happened and she laughed. My attention was on her, the glow of her happiness as she continued to giggle and smile at the happenings on the show. I loved her laugh, how it made her entire being light up. Sometimes I wished I could be the funniest guy in the world.

She caught me looking at her and gifted me with a smile that lit up her eyes. I smiled back and squeezed her leg, letting my hands continue absorbing the silk of her skin under my fingers. Memorizing the feel of her as we sat together, focused on the show once again.

It was so comfortable being with her, whether we were having a boring old routine day like right now or if we were having a mad passionate night of sex or a fun night out. I just loved being with her. Everything about her made me want to be a better person, and really, what more could I want?

She was my love. I smiled, my own laughter barely restrained as she started snickering at the goofy guy on the show.

Soon she’ll gift me with a hilarious, unbridled bout of laughter and I’ll be flying high with the fact that she’s here with me. That I’m lucky enough to have her love.

This was my 5 Minute Freewrite for @mariannewest

Some of my other Writing:

Coming soon: Ebook!


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