Vase (Freewrite)

"No, no, no!" Alice shouted but it was too late. Her cat had already knocked over the blue and white vase, the one that had belonged to her grandparents, sending it to the ground where it shattered.

"Oh, Fluffy, why did you do that?" she asked plaintively.

She knew she should go get a broom and dustpan straight away but she was frozen in place for the moment, staring sadly down at the porcelain pieces littering the floor.

Fluffy settled down silently on the shelf where the vase has stood moments before. She blinked and watched complacently as Alice's eyes welled up.

"How could you?" Asked Alice with a sniffle, but she wasn't looking at her cat and missed the smug expression on his face.

Little did Alice know that this was Fluffy's plan. Just a few more delicately placed disasters and the woman would be broken. Each incident would be minor, but they'd add up and up until Alice would be too upset to handle the strange things that would follow.

Just one or two more weeks and Fluffy could call in her colleagues. Then the fun would really start.

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