Temples Made With Hands (Freewrite)

He carried the temple carefully in his cupped hands. It was so tiny there was a real chance of crushing it, or at least deforming it, and possibly harming the tiny worshippers within. Fairies was Bob's guess, but he hadn't tried to open it yet, he'd snatched it up quickly before it could shimmer out of sight.

He picked his way carefully out of the thinning forest and towards the pasture between it ands home. He watched for rocks or anything that might trip himself up and send him sprawling.

Bob's heart raced with excitement when he caught sight of a familiar figure bent over in the field.

"Father!" he cried out. "Come and look!"

His father looked up briefly and then shook his head slightly. Though he couldn't see it, Bob could imagine his creased forehead and downturned lips from here.

"Father!" he called more forcefully. "Look, I have one in my hands."

At this his father did stand upright and lean onto the spade he held. He wiped his brow as Bob headed straight for him.

"One of what?"

Bob stretched out his curved fingers to show him, keeping his eyes glued to his father's tanned and worn face.

"One of their temples, like I told you about."

"What are you on about? There's nothing there, boy."

Bob looked down and gasped. It was true, his hands were empty.

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