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Bob had been standing in a corner of the courtyard for some minutes, gazing up at the starry sky. The night was dark and moonless, and here the great hall blocked out the light of two torches that flamed by its main entrance around the corner. A small sigh of air followed by a rustling were the only things that alerted Bob to the opened side door.

A sliver of faint light appeared and then was momentarily blotted out by the dark form slipping through the doorway. The figure, just a shadow slightly darker than the other shadows surrounding, clung close to walls as it made it's way down the roughly hewn stairs and crossed the courtyard, towards Bob.

He remained completely still, somewhat frozen by the nighttime chill that had crept into his body in the short while he had been there. The warmth of the small, comfortable room where his two traveling companions were already abed called to him, but instead he waited until the unknown person crept between two of the small outbuildings that held sleeping quarters much like his own.

By this time Bob was sure it was a man. His stature was tall and he strode with large steps.

There were plenty of innocent reasons for a man to be up and about at this hour, but fewer to creep so silently. Curiosity had always been his besetting sin. Bob followed just as silently towards the passageway and caught glimpse of movement towards the left.

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