Day 83: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: nose ring - My Entry


My little brother was trying to figure out how we could get this bull to pull our go-kart. I was trying to tell him the hardest part was going to be the steering. He just shoved me and said “That's easy! All we gotta do is find a nose ring and we can run a rope through it and use that to steer”.

I almost punched myself for thinking for a moment that might work! I asked him “Man, have you even considered how you're going to get a nose ring on that thing anyhow? I mean have you taken a good look? He's not happy just listening to us talk about it. And you obviously haven't considered the safety issue. What kind of safeguards are you taking and do you have a medical evacuation plan?”

He just looked at me with that stink eye when he knows I'm right. “Alright he said, but I'm not giving up on it.”

I patted him on the back and we walked back to the house. If Dad saw us we'd be in deep doo-doo.

I hear the front door slam and from the dining room window I see my little brother heading back out. This time he's carrying a whole bunch of blankets and old burlap sacks. He's persistent, I gotta give him that.

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Title image is my original work

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