Day 82: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: stetson - My Entry


I couldn't wait for Carter to see me with this baby on. A genuine stetson cowboy hat from the old colony. I found it in the Captain's quarters once I finally got power restored to the ship. There was a panel on the wall that opened up as soon as the power came on and there she was....whew....what a relic. The captain of “The Green Fairy” must have been quite the character.

Well, thank you very much Captain I can take it from here and thank you for this lovely hat. When we first started to repair this old sweetie Carter thought I was nuts. I'll always appreciate how he helped out even though he thought it was a waste of time. A year and a half later and we have a fully equipped pleasure cruiser ready to fly.

We're thinking we can open up for a little business on this backwater drink and earn enough to top off the reactor. As soon as we have the beans and the blasters we're flying our new girl to a better life.

Check out @mariannewest for some quality content;

Title image is my original work

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