Day 68: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: pillow - My Entry


"I call it the 'keyboard pillow'. What's not to like?" I asked. Susan just looked at me like I was stupid. I asked her again what she thought and she said I obviously hadn't thought it through.

"Who doesn't want to catch a few winks after lunch at the office? I mean, you're back from having a big plate of pasta and ...out comes the keyboard pillow. It doubles as a dust cover!" I exclaimed.

She was just shaking her head and sort of chuckling to herself in that annoying way. "Look dude..." she said. "You do realize most people aren't allowed to sleep at work right?" she kept on and on.

She just couldn't see the potential! Who hasn't woken up with the keys still imprinted on their cheek? And how many times have you had to replace your keyboard after drooling in it?

I could see the only way to convince her was with a demonstration.

Thanks to @mariannewest for organizing such a great event;

Image provided by pixabay user: Life-Of-Pix

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